I will say that in my area we have done two things that dont seem to go together but they have worked well. We became ALOT more agressive when attacked, we counter-fire almost every mortar/rocket that comes in, we have larger more frequent patrols, we basically went away from the avoid the conflict type of style I believe they wanted us to use. Second we made huge diplomatic progress with the locals. Basically after a few months of part 1 their highers basically asked us to work something out with them. We provide LOTS of jobs to the locals and are helping them setup shops throughout the area. We also make sure they all are getting good rations(food, water, etc.) housing, and schooling. The results have been amazing to say the least. When i first got here my area was know as one of the worst to be at. I would dread any type of mission that i had to go on. We would have mortar/rocket attacks daily. It was brutal to say the least. I dont have specific numbers but i would say in my area we probably have about 1/50 the activity that we once had. YES 1/50 that drastic. Now mind you i am not in the city i am in the surrounding villages so some of the things that worked so well for us just arent feasible in the cities.