Why’s that?

I’m still waiting to see if Hillary’s tears turn into this primaries Howard Dean Scream. I honestly can’t believe voters would nominate someone for president who breaks down that easily. You’re going to face much worse as President of the United States than losing the Iowa straw poll.

or this? lol

she’s a joke

+1 I hope people try to sift throught the media BS in this aspect.


The troop surge and new strategy has made such a difference that i cant even really put it into words. I wlll tell you that i do not even feel like im in the same country at war anymore. Also when I come to work everyday i know that we have made a difference. I am confident that when i leave here i will feel that myself and our armed forces have accomplished alot in the last 15 months. I am glad that i have been part of the troop surge and see better times for Iraq soon to come. We have villages in our area that we dont have to wear full gear anymore. I know i can convince some of the war haters that anything good is happening over here because well thats simply not what they want to hear. War is terrible at all times but we are here and we have a responsibility to finish what we started and im confident that we can and will.

Actually, I’ve been running nitrous before you came off your mommas tit, and the proper spelling was taken many moons ago (for the e-mail service i was using). So I improvised. I would gladly run for office, but I have been a little too busy fighting this war, instead of complaining about it. Sorry about my spelling, I thought that maybe content was worth a little more than grammer, but I see you have all the time to debate spelling, so correct away. I love internet badasses.

What has changed strategically or are you not at liberty to say?

I will say that in my area we have done two things that dont seem to go together but they have worked well. We became ALOT more agressive when attacked, we counter-fire almost every mortar/rocket that comes in, we have larger more frequent patrols, we basically went away from the avoid the conflict type of style I believe they wanted us to use. Second we made huge diplomatic progress with the locals. Basically after a few months of part 1 their highers basically asked us to work something out with them. We provide LOTS of jobs to the locals and are helping them setup shops throughout the area. We also make sure they all are getting good rations(food, water, etc.) housing, and schooling. The results have been amazing to say the least. When i first got here my area was know as one of the worst to be at. I would dread any type of mission that i had to go on. We would have mortar/rocket attacks daily. It was brutal to say the least. I dont have specific numbers but i would say in my area we probably have about 1/50 the activity that we once had. YES 1/50 that drastic. Now mind you i am not in the city i am in the surrounding villages so some of the things that worked so well for us just arent feasible in the cities.

:tup: Good stuff.

Excellent news, straight from the front.

If we pull out now all that effort will be lost and the country will resume its old ways.

I am ashamed of NH.

Clinton is a puppet who accomplishes nothing and dodges serious questions. Godmother of Bullshitting.

:bloated: yeah ok. He sucked monkey balls, if you look deeper into his presidency than what the media will let you know, you will see this. Hell, in his entire 8 years as president, he did not even have a single domestic policy. If it wasn’t for the fact that it was a three way race, he wouldn’t have won. He only had 40% of the votes. The other 60% were between Perro (sp) and Dole. Hitlary will do the same thing she has in NY. Make promices to do wonderful things, then in turn, do absolutly nothing but work her own personal agenda.

God damn, I actually agree with something JEG said.

Hillary is a joke. All talk, no action.

She has always been that way. Have you ever seen pictures of her at senate hearings etc? she looks like a bored 7th grader, supporting her head with one hand trying not to fall asleep in class. She will do absolutly nothing for this country. We have too many candidates that say “I will, I will, I will” instead of “what do you think I should do”. They always give examples of what they think should happen as opposed to viewing what the citizens thame they are supposed to be helping WANT to happen. I know that will not work in many instances, but they seriously need to be more open minded to what the American people want, not how to save us from our own stupidity.

If they say “what do you think i should do” then they get viewed as wishy-washy, not having strong opinions, and trying to change their beliefs to fit popular sentiment.

And I’m not going to even get into this about Clinton’s economic policy vs. supply-side conservative bullshit but there’s a reason one gave us the biggest surplus in history, coupled with a reduction in tax burden on the middle class, proportionally, and an increase in domestic services, while the other cut domestic programs, made the middle class bear a higher percentage of the burden, yet still ended up with the biggest deficit in history.

LOL i bet your one of those that was all excited to vote BUSH back for a 2nd term…

You can dis Clinton all you want… when Bill was president there was no War, no probems, our economy and money situation was fine.

anyone but bush is fine w/ me and every1 else it seems.

thats the exact attitude that got bush re-elected. the democrats need to stop living in the past riding clintons saq and actually come up with a candidate thats better than the republican alternative…and i still dont think they have.

Depends on who we nominate. Huckabee thought Pakistan was still under marshall law 2 weeks ago. :bloated:


Hillary sheds a tear and swings a 15 point poll change?

Hillary had bus loads of people brought in from Boston and they filled out paperwork saying they were thinking of moving to NH so they could vote!!!
For the first time ever NH ran out of ballets!!!
coincidence? I think not.

We werent fucking attacked by terrorists, we had no WAR, and our economy was failing he just hid it, and our money situation was hardly fine towards the end of his term.

He was the president in the time of PEACE which is a fucklot easier than being one in the time of war.