That was probably your most well thought out post. :tup:

:tup: to TheRussian.

China is probably keeping our economy afloat. Did you see the last set of loans Dubya got from them?

The declining dollar is already fixing the discrepancy between imports and exports…

Yea and those Loans are a huge part of the problem, becuase now China has a noose around our neck for when we say, hey you cant do that.

China goes, oh well what about that XX Billion of dollars your borrowed from us, Just ignore it and we wont cut you off.

^^^ which would never really happen becuase without us buying all there shit they wouldnt have an economy either.

With Europe teaming up to make the EURO.

Ill be on of the first one to say that maybe, MAYBE it would be beneficial to join forces with Canada to create a stronger north American force in the world economy.

Ok so now it’s time to take a look at the NH Caucus.

According to CNN, McCain has already won for the Republicans, with Huckabee projected to finish third

About 38% of the polls reported in.

On the Dem side, about 25% reported in, and it’s gonna be close. Hillary has slight lead over Obama, 40% to 36%. Edwards is way back in third and who cares about the other ones.

I think Gulianni’s strategy is going to blow up in his face, this only giving a damn about certain states. People are going to see right through that shit. He is finished in my opinion. Time will tell though.

Interesting endorsement for Obama from a Republican:

Former Secretary of State Colin Powell praised Barack Obama on the eve of the New Hampshire primary, crediting the Illinois Senator for breaking barriers while running as “an American man” who can represent the entire nation. In an interview with PBS host Tavis Smiley, Powell said he was “taking joy” in Obama’s rise and he said citizens across the country can “enjoy this moment where a person like Barack Obama can knock down all of these old barriers that people thought existed with respect to the opportunities that are available to African Americans.”

Powell, the first black person to serve as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, National Security Advisor, and Secretary of State, also firmly rebutted the idea that reporters or voters should assess whether a candidate is white or black “enough.”

This argument about him not being black enough, that’s just absolute nonsense. He is putting himself forward not as a black man but as an American man who wants to be president of the United States of America. We should see Barack as a candidate for president who happens to be black, and not a black candidate for president.

For more on Powell, Obama and breaking barriers in our “segregated power structure,” check out this new Nation essay, Obama, Race and the Presidency.

According to CNN, McCain has already won for the Republicans, with Huckabee projected to finish third


It’s interesting that McCain won based on his stance on the Iraq war.

He supported the troop surge and was a major player in the new strategy.

That got me wondering about how the 08 race will play out. From what I’ve read it sounds like we’re making legitimate progress over in Iraq. Pretty much all the Democrats have based their campaigns on, “I can pull us out of Iraq quicker because Iraq is a no win situation”. How will that play out if by the time the elections come around Iraq has really turned around?

The media will focus on every minor failure in Iraq and convince the general public that we’re losing no matter what…

^ big suprise there.

I think cougarspeed can shed some light on the current situation over there?

That may work right now when the attack ads are focused inside each party, but once it’s down to two and the attacks start going back and forth I doubt that will be the case. If real progress is being made and you as the democratic candidate try to attack that you’re setting yourself up for a real big loss.

Turned around? There’s a big difference between less violence and being anywhere close to “really turned around”

Look at the goals when we went into Iraq. Compare to the situation now. Iraq is a complete and total disaster, period.

AP is calling NH for Hillary.

CNN still saying it’s too close to call.

I knew when women cried it could get them out of speeding tickets… who knew it could get them into the oval office.

MSNBC called it for Hillary. SC & NV will decide who the nominee will be IMO. At this point it’s 1 - 1, SC will most likely go to Obama, if he wins NV also momentum will be back in full force going into MI, FL & ST

Personally I think Hillary would be a fine president, but Hillary Clinton is bad for the country. Regardless of who wins the election it needs to be a uniting figure, which means Huckabee’s out and so should be Clinton.

What’s going to really be interesting is if it’s Hillary McCain, Bloomberg might jump in. Then it gets REALLY exciting.

The situation changed, and so did the goals/strategy.

The goals have changed because like many detractors said before we went in they’ve turned out to be unachievable. Changing the goals doesn’t mean you don’t have to own up to the total failure of your original goals.

It also doesn’t mean that the current tactics achieving the new goals aren’t working (whether or not the initial goals which were totally riduclous and conceived by politicians with little to no experience conducting military missions were “right” or “wrong” ).

Yes the new goals of “not being a total embarrassment” are within reach

i hate obama bin laden