She should be Disqualified for that bullshit. Fucking cheating cunt.

Anyone have any links where news sources are discussing this Hillary scam? Or even links to conspiracy threorists blogs with their typical poor examples of proof?

i totally agree with that.

So how is that a hit on Bill Clinton’s presidency?
and just b/c bush made a shitshow of the attack and aftermath and following war doesnt mean the clinton administration would have fucked it up either.

as your name states, maybe you should stick to your own countries political situation lol

and judgeing by your picture… im guessing your a reg. repub for all the wrong reasons ha

My own countries political situation? The fuck? I am American, I just have a heritage just like everyone else on this site and in this country.

Oh and to use the cliche to judge a book by its cover about my picture.

If all i wanted was guns I would move to Iraq.

Clinton was a hack, and the dems need to get off his nuts and realize that you need someone in the white house that can get us out of this clusterfuck that yes BUSH played a part in.

Was it all him? No, was world war II all hitler? No.

:word: Clinton didn’t do shit…he didn’t need to. Anybody with a free thinking brain can see this. He rode the tail of the Regan and Bush sr. administration and then reaped the bennies and took the glory. Amazing that the dems can say he started to turn us all round and he was the best when the country started to turn good 2 years BEFORE he got elected, and started to tank hardcore almost 2 years BEFORE he left. He has a legacy all right…a legacy that proves you can take credit for other people’s hard work and sit on your ass doing nothing, but only for so long. Oh and he did do his fair share in ensuring our current fucked up situation. Hmmm lets see…besides the whole NAFTA ordeal (granted yes republicans in congress did agree but Clinton was the president and had ultimate say over it so stfu about making excuses JoestypeS), Then there was giving the Chinese military grade technology to aid their space program which boosted their military tech 40 years! Allowing them to develop a delivery system for their nukes. he gave North Korea nuclear technology, he was under federal investigations more than any other president in history, he lied under oath and was impeached, yet didn’t leave office, set free a bunch of felons before he left office (nice move :tup:). Oh yeah, Lets not forget all the soft money scandals him and Hillary were caught up in, along with them being under investigations because of key witnesses to a trial that would have put them both away mysteriously ended up dead when they were still practicing law in Arkansas. Oh I thought it was funny how Bush fired those 7 people and the dems had a field day, yet Clinton fired a shit load and nobody cared. Face it…Clinton was a puppet for the dems. He did absolutely nothing but dance a round and distract people from what was really going on.

Dude she won by ~10,000 votes. And not in a single area, so she would have had to have 100 buses carrying 100 people all over NH and the media would have had to totally miss that.

Yeah, that’s what I was getting at. As much as I would love to believe it was fraud I really doubt it. The teflon coating of Bill has certainly rubbed off on her though. It’s like a hybrid coating though. The few good parts of showing emotion stuck, while all the down side of a crying potential president slid right off.

And my numbers were even off… 100 buses w/ 100 people only wins if they were to tie otherwise. To make up a 8 point difference and then win by 3 points she would have needed about 30,000 people!

If you’re truly against NAFTA you should be putting your support behind Edwards…

a lawyer? no thanks

“Obama fails to realize how low the lips are on his new long faced lover as he leans in for their first passionate public kiss”.

“Stick to ketchup peddling, cracker.”

There is tons of good conservatives to ask on the subject of how to kiss a man like the reverend Ted Haggard or Mark Foley or Larry Craige or Ed Schrock…

Why? Other candidates dont like it either. Edwords has the personality of a stick.

Who? Ron Paul?

Hillary Clinton: for NAFTA while First Lady; now against CAFTA. (Oct 2007)

John Edwards: Against NAFTA, against Chile trade, against Singapore trade. (Jan 2004)

Rudy: Good deals pending with Peru, Colombia, Panama, South Korea. (Oct 2007)

Huckabee: We need fair trade because we’re losing jobs. (Oct 2007)

Kucinich: Voted NO on implementing CAFTA, Central America Free Trade. (Jul 2005)

McCain: Pro-NAFTA, pro-GATT, pro-MFN, pro-Fast Track. (Jul 1998) Voted YES on implementing CAFTA for Central America free-trade. (Jul 2005)

Obama: Voted NO on implementing CAFTA for Central America free-trade. (Jul 2005)

Ron Paul: Voted NO on implementing CAFTA, Central America Free Trade. (Jul 2005)

Richardson: Supports NAFTA, GATT, & WTO. (Nov 1996)

Romney: Open up markets to American goods and services. (Oct 2007)

Thompson: More trade helps South America and Africa. (Aug 2007)

So you’re either supporting Ron Paul, Obama, or Edwards?

Obama <33333

Is Ron Paul racist?
I just heard that they are digging up bad stuff about this guy.

I know this a couple weeks old but, what do you have against the gold standard?
(I don’t know much about this.)

Side note: There is a Ron Paul sign tied to a tree on the 400.:biglaugh:

John McCain is Victorious over South Carolina