
Fox and CNN predicting McCain will win Florida.

That was a big test for him since Fl is hardcore conservative.

Who are you rooting/voting for?

Not Romney, not Huckabee, and definitely not Clinton.

That’s about all I’m sure about right now.

Been doing a lot of reading on McCain’s history.

I really liked Rudy’s blend of economic and foreign policy conservatism with social liberalism, but some horrible campaign planning took him out 2 or 3 states into the primary. Actually watching Rudy speak right now and expected him to drop out but he’s staying in it. Don’t know why because he’s done for sure after only taking 15% in FL.

I like Rudy’s financial ideas from the last debate but I think he is a borderline facist and a spiteful person to the fact that if he doesn’t get what he wants in the white house he will throw a tantrum and do some crazy things…

Huckabee is a religious wing-nut but I like his consumption tax for the simple fact that it’s fair and simple. Other than that, he’s a freak and will tell anyone what they want to hear to get elected.

Romney is like an evil Kennedy. He looks the part, he acts the part but I have a feeling that he lacks a soul. If you look closer, you might find a hand up his ass moving his hands, arms, legs and head.

McCain (for being a conservate) seems to be the best candidate for the job because of his military experience as well as he seems to be the most down to earth, i.e. level headed.

I would like to see Barack vs. McCain. Then I would care less who won.

McCain won Florida, BTW…


Sums it up pretty well, minus the Barack thing. I can’t support anyone who honestly thinks socialized medicine will work in this country. Far too many poor and grossly overweight, chain smoking, mcdonalds eating, sue happy people here. Canada’s system is barely functioning and they have a much smaller popuation, with less poor, and a generally healthier populus.

Just look was NY has done with child health plus, healthy NY, and medicaid to start to get an idea what taxes would be like with universal health care.

A lot of the die hard conservatives are mad because McCain has crossed sides on some votes. What this country needs right now is someone willing to put ideals ahead of party politics and McCain is the ONLY candidate I’ve seen running for either party who would do this.

We’re starting to see a lot more in the news about the progress being made in Iraq so I’m still putting my money on the Democrats insistance that we can’t win and need to retreat totally blowing up in their face by the time the election comes around. Even more so if McCain gets the nod since he not only continued to support the war and the surge but was a major player in the new strategy. There was a real interesting story on tonight where they interviewed several of the big washington military think tanks who originally said the surge wouldn’t work and are now changing their tune. Most politicians aren’t smart enough to understand these concepts on their own and only listen to these think tanks so it will be fun to watch how many flip flop now that the tanks are turning around. AKA, if things go well Hillary will be telling us how she was all pro war all along, while Obama will just let Oprah tell him what to think. :wink:

You’re overlooking 2 very important issues though. Those programs have to deal with the inflated cost of medicine in our current system. Compensating them at current exorbitant rates out of the government’s pocket is not the same as compensating them would be in a socialized system, where prices have a lot more control. Secondly, we’re paying all of those taxes PLUS we and our employers are paying the ridiculous prices for private health insurance. Without the need for that, employers could keep a percentage for themselves to reinvest and help the economy, and still give you a substantial raise, which I would be willing to bet would offset the tax increase and still leave you in better shape than now.

The main thing I have against McCain is his continued support of the war. This tells me that he not only wouldn’t hesitate to go into a borderline situation militarily, but would be stubborn and continue to escalate his mistake, even worse than Bush. He’s a likable enough guy and moderate on several issues, but i want my money spent in america, on things that don’t kill our soldiers.

Precisely, Glad to see people are starting to see what i have been saying all along

:lol: The blind faith and optimism of liberals amazes me. Show me one department in government that has EVER been good at controlling costs and making a system more efficient than what was being done in the private sector. Again, just look at NY and our medicaid mess. It’s full of waste, fraud and mismangement.

We don’t need government health care, AKA BIGGER GOVERNMENT, we need health care reform that makes private health insurance more affordable. We need more incentives in the form of tax breaks for businesses to provide health coverage to their employees.

“we’re only going to pay you 100 dollars for this procedure. Like every other industrialized nation in the world pays its doctors now. I know you get 500 now, but too bad. the days of MD rape and spit are over.”
how does that not control costs?

You mean like how they try to do the same thing with Medicare (the socialized medicine program for old people program)?

It’s funny how we’re hearing the exact same arguement today that they used in 1965 to get medicare passed.

the difference with medicare is the doctors can live off the private insurance patients, and jack up the price for everyone. If the government is the only payer, then they have full negotiating power. Health care companies have no choice but to go along with the government’s prices or suddenly have no patients, go out of business and move over for some company that will be able to.

The one thing that Barack does for me is put my faith back in foreign policy. As funny as it sounds, the world seeing a black man in the white house (even if he is cafe-latte :wink: ) will put these 8 years behind us and show that we have turned a corner. Now, I know what you are thinking about pandering to the rest of the world but I firmly believe that this will be a great help. The two things that concern me the most is the increasing gap between the middle class and the rich and our foreign policy.

In all honestly, I want to see the power return to the middle class since we keep this country “running”

I’m very surprised you lean McCain over Romney

HA! Funny this is about healthcare

Private health insurance industry spends on average 25% on administrative costs. Medicare…3%

Romney looks good on paper but sometimes you have to trust your gut. He’s got that same shit grin that Clinton always had, plus he’s from Taxachusetts.

Also, I don’t agree with his idea that you can bring back manufacturing in the US. He’ll try and really scew the economy in the process.

PS… Rudy is dropping out and endorsing McCain, which should give him a nice bump.

Thank goodness. I hope he gets the nod for VP.

If 11SEP2001 happens again, we got this.

They can get Al Gore to make a time machine.


Bump for Super Tuesday. Regardless of your views, if you don’t vote today, you don’t get to complain about the crappy choices in November. If you do, please do it on some sound reasoning.

I’m reluctantly supporting Obama, mainly on the basis of electability. Too many people hate Hillary as a person to take anything she says, no matter how well reasoned, to heart. I think he is lacking in the experience department but with an experienced VP candidate would be OK for the job. The South would still be a tough place to win for him, but he’ll split the independent vote with McCain, whereas Hillary would probably lose it.