Something is going on with the Republicans.
Rush and Ann Coulter and pretty much Fox News are trashing McCain.(?)
I think they are trying reversed psychology with the undecided voters.
They are trying to push McCain to the middle by distancing themselves from him.
In any event the field is pathetic and for the first time I really don’t even want to vote.
I will do the green thing and not waste gas driving to the polls.:slight_smile:

Obama for your momma.

:shrug: I am more closely aligned with him, plus he seems like he has a much better chance than Hills. Besides, Oprah told me to.

all the repub. candidates suck, i think ill stay home

its nice to see that after years of democrats having to be more conservative to have a chance, republican candidates suddenly have to get more liberal. :slight_smile:


well duh…its about time we get some more moderate front runners :lol:

It should be an easy win for Hillary or Obama.
Real Republicans can’t seem to get support/funding.

I guess the deciding issue will be national health care.
If people think putting up with the bureaucratic nightmare of the national govt is worth it then Hillary will win.
If not then Obama will be the next president.
Maybe one of those two should get the Republican nod because it is pointless for any of the current Republican clowns to get the nod.

I was really hoping for Rudy but I think I can get behind McCain. Much easier to get behind him if the choice is McCain, Hillary or Obama which is what it looks like it’s going to be.

He voted against the Bush tax cuts but says he only did so because he wanted spending cuts to go along with them. That gets a :tup: from me.

He voted for campaign finance reform, which a lot of conservatives are against, but that too gets a :tup: from me.

He was a major player in the new strategy that is working in Iraq, so another :tup: to him.

Romney tries to play up his great ecomonic experience but I can’t get past the fact that he’s the governor of Taxachusetts. He pulled a Spitzer and claimed he didn’t raise taxes, but raised pretty much every fee the state has.

Really not happy with McCains amnesty program for illegals though, despite him saying he’s abandoned that plan based on the majority of the legal population rejecting it.

Voted for the big O this am!

I really hope McCain gets the nomination, he’s a war mongering asshat who’s built up absolutely no good will with his party.

Didn’t Mcain say he would stay in Iraq for 50 or 100 years if needed?
Good way to get the vote of people in the middle.:bloated:

Do a search for posts by cougarspeed. He’s actually on the ground in Iraq seeing the new strategy working. We shouldn’t cut and run if there is a chance we can succeed. If we run we will be back there in 5-10 years doing the same thing again.

I agree but, McCain isn’t going to gain votes by saying things like that.
People hate the war in Iraq and think that Republicans are war mongers.
It is surprising to me that Republicans think for a minute that McCain can win.

I would have voted for O this morning, but I am not a registered Democrat :frowning:

It will depend on what happen in Iraq by the time the election comes around. I think you’re going to see real measurable progress and McCain is going to be one of the few who had a record that contributed to it.

People are against the war because they only see negatives about it on the news. Once the primary is over and the debate turns from dem vs dem and rep vs rep to dem vs rep if there really is progress being made people are going to hear about it.

Keeping violence down and meeting political goals are not the same thing. Put a million troops on the ground and there wont be many US casualties but that doesn’t mean shit when the Iraqi government can’t get their shit together.

What’s a bigger motivator for the Iraqi government to pull the country together? A) US will keep the country stable for as long as needed or B) The US is getting out, it’s up to you now.

People are against the war because it’s proven to have been a bad fucking idea. Something Obama has been saying since 2002.

Keep preaching that line, if things do turn around like it looks like they might it will only be that much worse for you trying to backtrack at election time.

It wasn’t that long ago that a majority of this country supported the war. You show them real progress and enough of them will come back that the anti-war stance of Obama will not get him the big support he has now.

I voted today, for McCain.

The south wont allow hillary or obama to win


They might do ok during the primary where only real active political people vote, but during the general election neither has a chance.

The best day for being a Republican was when Edwards dropped out, because that was a candidate that had an honest shot in the general election. Now that’s it’s Hillary or Obama there is a very good chance we’ll keep the whitehouse.

Hillary’s dream…
Driving Miss Hillary?


the others on there are pretty good too