well Huck carried west virginia, courtesy of mccain

Yep, he got the “not Romney” vote. :clap:

And oh Rudy, why couldn’t you have hired a good campaign advisor.



WV had a caucus…in the first round romney was in the lead but didnt have the 50% needed to win, mccain was in a distant 3rd. all of his voters switched to huckabee so romney wouldnt win.


Hahhaha. The premise of the war was A) Saddam + Osama was the reason 9/11 happened and B) Saddam has WMD’s that he would unleash on the US somehow.

Neither of those were found to be true so I don’t see how even if things get better that it will not be seen as a mistake. All the American deaths are enough.

That being said, If Obama gets the nod, no way the republicans can beat him.

All which doesn’t mean shit. The fact is we are there now and have to deal with the mess, and simply saying “we can never win lets go home, even though we’ll have to go back in 5 years when it’s totally out of control” (all the democrat’s plans) is going to play very poorly if we have made progress by election time.

That’s funny, national polls show it very close and the election is still a long way away. Maying statements like “there is no way” only makes you look stupid. Could Obama win? Sure he could. So could McCain or Romney.

Obama will have trouble in the south. Crying about them being backwards or stuck in the past isn’t going to change anything. If anything it just pisses them off and makes them less likely to listen to his message.

On the other hand McCain may have trouble with hard core conservatives. But despite the talk from the morons like Limbaugh about “I’ll vote democrat before I vote for McCain” the hard core conservatives will vote McCain over who ever the democrats have because even if they don’t believe he’s far enough right he’ll still be the lesser of two evils.

The republicans are too divided. How many “hard core” conservatives make up (or on either side) repersent of the whole anyway? Regardless if there is “progress” made in Iraq, people don’t forget that it was a mistake to go there in the first place. The gains made in Iraq compared to the end game is akin to kicking a field goal in the 2nd drive of a football game when there is 50 minutes left to play. Good news, yes but much, much more to go to before you get excited.

We’re divided right now because we’re fighting with each other over who gets the nomination. Once that is done we’ll come back together against the common enemy, regardless of what the talking fools on conservative radio have to say.

Besides, isn’t it the dems who are only inches short of fist fighting in the debates and on the news right now :wink:

McCain: Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, New Jersey, New York

Romney: Massachusetts

Huckabee: West Virginia, Arkansas

Alabama is split 39/39 Huckabee/McCain
Minn 32/31 split, Huckabee/Romney

you guys are so fractured. if it ends up obama vs mccain barack could potentially steal a few southern states pulling 99% of the black vote, coupled with low turnout from the jesus/huckabee freaks.

^ I love statements like this when we’re still in the primary stage. And wasn’t it your party who was slinging racist remarks last week? Yet you want to call us fractured. :wink:

Good to see McCain with a commanding lead with Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, New Jersey, New York

Hopefully he snags alabama as well.

And minnesota has a low population…sooo:whogives:

McCain took Arizona. Big shocker there being it’s his home state.

Someone needs to make a deal on the republican side or that party is up shits creek by summer; you just can’t run 3 campaigns that long. McCain/Huckabee seems like a reasonable ticket for the party…but then again so does Romney/Huckabee as that’s wayyyyyy more of a GW Bush type ticket.

Shit Romney/Huckabee and JayS and AWD might be pulling the lever for Obama

On the dem side, edwards needs to endorse Obama tomorrow, huge moral victory for hillary taking mass., massive win for obama in CT…

All eyes on CA, if Hillary wins by less than 10 points it’s a loss for her.

one indisputable fact is that obama runs shit in caucus states…

looking at the republican delegate count, McCain doesn’t need huck to win, Romney does. If huck wants to be a player in 08 he needs to join up with mitt.

I really can’t believe Edwards didn’t endorse obama.

Here’s the telling thing, Hillary is doing really well in solid blue states, Obama is doing well in red/purple states. Since solid blue isn’t going anywhere Obama shows the promise of stealing at least 2 red states in november. Who’s the better national candidate? Looks like obama.

At least we can all agree on one thing: Bush/Clinton/Bush/Clinton isn’t good for American politics and surely isn’t good for American unity.

Hilldog looks to be picking up steam Joe. I think your boy may be on the ropes.

EDIT: Just realized I called Obama “your boy”. Am I going to be arrested for a hate crime?

Huck and Mitt are squaring off on each other through the media.