What steam? She won 6 states, he’s won 10. Barack needs to be within 100 pledged delegates by tomorrow to be in solid position to win. If he’s higher it’s easier if he’s lower it’s harder. If she takes CA by 15 points or more then I’d say he’s on the ropes.

I keep forgetting that you dems run on the “everyone gets a trophy” liberal system and winning a big state isn’t as big a deal.

yeah no winner take all…damn democracy at work

Hope CA 1% doesn’t hold: Clinton 55% Obama 33%…if it goes that way, obama is in REAL trouble

good thing you guys dont. Something isnt right about taking all of the delegates in a state with 35% of the vote…

Asians like Hillary 3:1 over Obama in CA?

Something I just learned on CNN.

oh ffs here we go and it is still early

<my 2 worthless cents>

Where the fuck is my I want Ron Paul damn it button.

I hate everyone in it now…

Ron Paul :lol:

He’s like a slighly more angry Ross Perot.

In all seriousness, why is he even still in it? At least Rudy and Edwards knew when to call it quits. Only one of them had the class to endorse someone though. What more would you expect from an ambulance chaser though ;).

Edit: Damn, Romney’s mormon pals came out in force in Utah.

Jay, how do you feel about huckabee as a potential VP candidate with mccain? On one hand, he appeals to the bible belt base and could get some of them that don’t like mccain to grudgingly come out. On the other, he could turn off independents that like J Mac…

You know, I wasn’t really thinking about it until I heard them suggesting it tonight on the news.

I’ve had enough god in the white house though, so I think I’ll pass.

BTW, props to McCain for the much younger than him blonde wife.

McCain pulling away in Missouri now. Huckabee had the lead but the counties still tallying are counties McCain is winning big. With 88% Huckabee had the lead, but now with 91% McCain has pulled into the lead. That’s a core deep south state, so that should shut Romney the fuck up about being the “true conservative”.

Yeah, the thought of Huck being one 72 year old heartbeat away from the oval office is a scary one for me. I really hope he doesn’t go that route, just in case.
Who the hell are the 10% of cali votes that they have counted so far? 10% each for rudy and edwards? Hell, rudy couldnt pull 10% in states he campaigned in when he was still in the race.

Look for Obama and Mccain to pull away in missouri, the last votes counted are always the most liberal, on both sides. In st louis and KC. Claire McCaskill was down there all night in the senate race last year, and she finally pulled ahead once they got those city votes counted. they dominate the state.

10% of CA in, Clinton 55, Obama 32.

Not good Joe.

dude it still has edwards at 10%…early voting’s a bitch

McCain Huckabee would dominate

MSNBC predicting Hillary takes California.

CNN projects she takes Arizona.

Looks like McCain will take CA as well.

With that I’m heading to bed. Someone go make sure JoesTypeS doesn’t hang himself with a bunch of tied together Obama bumper stickers. :wink:

please son, wait until the final vote totals are in…She “won” nevada too, Obama got the most delegates from NV

Tonight should finish around Obama: 841, Clinton: 837

Time for Texas & Ohio!!!

Joe, where’d you find those numbers? If they’re accurate or reasonably close, that’s huge.

MSNBC reported them after talking to both campaigns and giving the Clinton camp their high number on CA. If you go with the Obama high number it’s 851, 827

MSNBC posted them… One of their analysts suggests with NM swinging Obama’s way and Cali swinging Hilary’s way, those numbers hold.

Fuck, Joe beat me to it.