He’s an impassioned, smart and charismatic leader. He’s a visionary who’s ready to LEAD. That’s EXACTLY what this country needs right now. Someone who’s inspiring.

Who cares about his name, it’s his ideals and passion that draw people in. Did you watch his speech last night? The section about hope is moving.

Look at democratic turnout, almost 50% of registered voters! In a primary!!! 89% increase over 2004. Huge number of independents and republicans caucused for Obama and he won handily in a state with a 2% black population.

Look at the writing on the wall my friend. With the Independent turnout for the democratic caucus, combined with the MASSIVE democratic turnout (republican turnout was on par with 2004 btw) makes for a overwhelming victory in November for CHANGE.

I’m fucking proud to say I live in a country that’s going to elect it’s first black president.

PS - What fucking experience did Reagan have? He started running for president the second he took office in California. Obama has been in public service at the state and national level for 12 years now. Reagan had 8 years before he became president.