:word: Clinton didn’t do shit…he didn’t need to. Anybody with a free thinking brain can see this. He rode the tail of the Regan and Bush sr. administration and then reaped the bennies and took the glory. Amazing that the dems can say he started to turn us all round and he was the best when the country started to turn good 2 years BEFORE he got elected, and started to tank hardcore almost 2 years BEFORE he left. He has a legacy all right…a legacy that proves you can take credit for other people’s hard work and sit on your ass doing nothing, but only for so long. Oh and he did do his fair share in ensuring our current fucked up situation. Hmmm lets see…besides the whole NAFTA ordeal (granted yes republicans in congress did agree but Clinton was the president and had ultimate say over it so stfu about making excuses JoestypeS), Then there was giving the Chinese military grade technology to aid their space program which boosted their military tech 40 years! Allowing them to develop a delivery system for their nukes. he gave North Korea nuclear technology, he was under federal investigations more than any other president in history, he lied under oath and was impeached, yet didn’t leave office, set free a bunch of felons before he left office (nice move :tup:). Oh yeah, Lets not forget all the soft money scandals him and Hillary were caught up in, along with them being under investigations because of key witnesses to a trial that would have put them both away mysteriously ended up dead when they were still practicing law in Arkansas. Oh I thought it was funny how Bush fired those 7 people and the dems had a field day, yet Clinton fired a shit load and nobody cared. Face it…Clinton was a puppet for the dems. He did absolutely nothing but dance a round and distract people from what was really going on.