I was really hoping for Rudy but I think I can get behind McCain. Much easier to get behind him if the choice is McCain, Hillary or Obama which is what it looks like it’s going to be.

He voted against the Bush tax cuts but says he only did so because he wanted spending cuts to go along with them. That gets a :tup: from me.

He voted for campaign finance reform, which a lot of conservatives are against, but that too gets a :tup: from me.

He was a major player in the new strategy that is working in Iraq, so another :tup: to him.

Romney tries to play up his great ecomonic experience but I can’t get past the fact that he’s the governor of Taxachusetts. He pulled a Spitzer and claimed he didn’t raise taxes, but raised pretty much every fee the state has.

Really not happy with McCains amnesty program for illegals though, despite him saying he’s abandoned that plan based on the majority of the legal population rejecting it.