You’re mistakenly thinking of the 18-24 year old demographic that’s so big on Obama. You know, that demo that Kerry/Gore/Dean all thought would carry them to the whitehouse but left them standing empty handed on election day. :wink:

I’m still shocked at how badly Obama kicked Hillary’s ass. It will make it even sweeter when the superdelegates nominate her and slap all you democrat voters right in the face.

Who are actually voting?? You mean those people??

Lets see what happens when election day comes around.

I think the young people are pissed at the ass-raping that your party has given them and they are not going to let another republican (McCain is definitely the lesser of the elephant evils) gain the presidency. Obama is a much easier person to get behind as opposed to John Kerry.

We’ll see. I’m guessing they’ll be pissed enough to bitch on message boards, but still show up at the polls at around 17% as always.

don’t be hatin…

I think Obama is a generational candidate that will actually get the youth out to the polls this time. Kerry didn’t have that same connection.

There’s just something about Obama, something that you can feel and say “I can really believe in this guy, he’s someone who’s interested in uniting the United States of America”

Don’t get me wrong, I’d love to get Hillary in there and say Fuck You to the right for 4 years…but in my heart, it’s not what’s right for the country.

Now, more than ever, we need someone that can rally the American people to a cause: health care reform, spending reform, whatever. I know that can’t happen with Hillary…Maybe it can’t happen with Obama, but there’s at least a chance with him and that’s worth everything.

1078 vs 969 on Obama vs Hillary respectively on votes.

The big news will be finding out WHO McCain chooses to be his VP.

There is talk of him taking Condy Rice to combat the enormous black vote that Obama has; it might work.

Hillary said she would pull troops out of Iraq in 60 days.
Katie Couric and other intellectual light weights tell me day after day that the war in Iraq is the most important issue to America.

How fast is Hussein saying he will end the Jihad?

That would be an interesting choice but I don’t think he’ll pick someone that close to Bush’s inner circle.

What’s Colin Powel doing these days?

McCain was behind getting UFC of television years ago. I dont know if i can trust a man who dosent think i should be able to watch UFC.

you’re just a fear & hate monger aren’t you? I can debate w/ Jay; but I think he’d agree with me that you’re just out of control.

Endorsing Obama :lol:


Joe, I’m just fuckin with you guys.
Seriously though, is Obama going to pull troops right away?
At this point believe it or not I might actually vote for Obama over McCain.
McCain just rubs me the wrong way.

:lol:… forgot about that. Ok, cross that one off the VP potential list.

He wants all troops out as quickly as possible, he says to do it safely would take around 16 months

I’m loving the spanking that Hillary is getting.

Here’s to hoping people are finally seeing through her complete bullshit. Keep it going!

60 days? I’m all for reducing our presence there, but wouldn’t doing that guarantee that Iraq descended into chaos? Hell even if we dropped everything could we even pack our shit and get out in 60 days?

I mean, I don’t personally believe that we’ll ever be totally out of Iraq. Not when their only stable period in the last 100 years was during Saddam’s dictatorship. There’s just too much tribal/cultural/religious disunity (if that’s even a word.)