AWDrifter, what is the starting pay at your place for an unskilled laborer? Or do you only have higher skilled jobs there?

While waiting for him to reply, lets assume it’s 7.15/hr, aka, minimum wage.

Using the living wage calculator found at, One adult with a child needs a living wage of 14.11/hr.

At 14.11/hr I doubt AWD can afford to stay in business, so he takes his company overseas or retires and closes shop. Either way, all those workers are now out of work, and now drawing off the system that was trying to help them. They’re also getting free health care, college and probably more unemployement benefits because if we get to the point where a living wage has become law I can guarantee the Dems will have increased unemployement benefits as well.

So who is paying for all this? Oh right, “rich people”. The business owners of the country. But they’re rich, you they’ll find a way to not have these increased taxes eat into their profitability… like re-locating more business outside the US. More jobs lost, way to go free government programs.

My lowest right now is $9.00 plus benefits.(It is challange to find people that will actually work 40 hours a week at that rate.)
I do get upset when I get grouped with the likes of Enron and Mobil and Haliburton.
I own a small business not a big evil empire like Virtacon(Dr. Evil).:biglaugh:

PS I am looking for 2 more people right now.

So at 14.11/hr minimum, meaning you’d probably have to bump people who have been there so they have a pay differential from new hires, what would that do to your bottom line?

^That is like 50% compression!
To save 1%? Yeah right.
Great bill.

Would you take a full time job for $360 a week, probably 250 to 300 net? My time is more valuable than that. I’d rather sleep in.

I took a job making $160 per week and worked my way up but, I wouldn’t expect you to understand that with your entitlement attitude.

assuming you were in your teens or early 20’s, adjusted for inflation that’s probably worth 6 figures now :stuck_out_tongue:

Worked your way up? Don’t you own the company that your dad started?? That’s quite a bit different than working hard and earning it rather than taking over for pops.

Did I say it was the same as anything else?
I am glad you know so much about my life.
My dad gave me the company for my 16th birthday along with a new Ferrari.
I have never worked or had any responsibility.
Ask anyone that knows me, I am a spoiled brat that sits around smokin weed.

everyone has to start somewhere. your right i probably wouldnt waste my time for $9/hr now, but i started for less than that when i was entry level on a lathe. i now make 3 times that. so dont look at AWDrifter paying someone $9/hr as a bad thing, because if the guys skill improves it could balloon into much much more. you have to prove your worth before you get paid.

Looks like Obama is going to clean house in Wisconsin… McCain has spanked Huckabee.


9 wins in a row…if Obama can pull off Ohio and/or Texas it could be the end for hill-dog

Good. fucking cunt.

10 because he will take Hawaii…

Just hearing Obama speak and the results from Wisconsin, he is going to win Texas and Ohio.


If obama gets the nomination, he’ll win 45 states.


want to bet?

Seriously, I don’t think anyone can beat him…