The South wont let it happen.

McCain will destroy him.

The jesus freaks in the south want nothing to do with McCain, to the point of voting for Huckabee over him even after he has the nomination locked up. Bush used huge turnout from them to win the South in 00 and 04, but this year they’re going to just stay home. Couple that with a record mobilization of blacks and young people, and red states come into play that haven’t been up for grabs in a long time.

If you really think that people at the polls are really gonna let an inexperienced black guy be president than you are sorrily mistaken.

Sure the numbers might show it, but when it comes down to it and you have to pull that lever, people are gonna think and go uhhhh and go to McCain


You do realize the amount of black people in the south, right? The vast majority are for Obama.

They are NOW, the question is will it stay that way.

unless they turn white, yes.

McCain is going to pull the black vote from Obama, is that what you are alluding too? If so, :rofl:

The white men will figure out a way to put them in jail.

McCain is gonna get C. Rice as VP, steal the woman and black vote! woot!

…Im only hoping…


Boy, it wasn’t very long ago you Dems were touting how great another “change maker” was going to be. He was promising everything pretty much the same way Obama is now. His name was Spitzer. Look how well he’s worked out.

In case you forgot who his big supporters were:

Probably the best one:

^ Do you think Pataki did better?

Better than Spitzer? Without a doubt. He actually reduced the size of NY government, that under Spitzer has grown almost back to the bloated size of the Cuomo years.

Don’t get me wrong, Pataki wasn’t a great governor either but he was in a whole other league than Spitzer.

Strongly Disagree. But OK.

Out of the 3 possible presidential candidates, Obama is clearly better than the other two so yeah, I am high on Obama.

Regardless of what you think of Pataki, are you honestly saying you think Spitzer has done anything to live up to his big promises?

Or to put it another way, if you could go back in time would you still vote for him?

Well, if he wins it will be fun coming back to this thread in 3 years when he’s taxed/fee’d us to death to pay for all his promises. Or hopefully just hasn’t come through on any of them because the system of checks and balances worked.

Should be a good debate tonight. Clinton will be fighting for her life and that’s an animal I wouldn’t want to back into a corner.

Any posts about McCain cheating on his wife yet?

NY Times endorses him and then drops this bomb?:lol:
They have had this info for years, why endorse him then?
You gotts love politics.

I am for giving him a chance. I really don’t trust what politicians say anymore so it basically goes on past voting experiences (to which Barack has very little) or that X-factor.

The only real thing that Clinton can get Barack on is his lack of experience. The war and the economy, Barack has her on both. I agree though, it will be real entertaining to watch.

He got handed a giant, broken, c.f. (think cluster)
The state budget has to be balanced.
The unfunded mandates and gaps passed down from the federal level have hurt the state even more.
He has tried to come up with alternative ways of meeting the shortfall without raising taxes, and everyone shits all over him every time he does, but the money has to come from somewhere. That ridiculous Medicaid bill we have to foot pretty much drains everything.
I am disappointed in the limited amount he has been able to accomplish so far, but I can’t say I’m surprised, and I would still vote for him. Everything moves at a snail’s pace at the state level, and it’s still too early at this point. The only thing Pataki did in his first year is reinstate the death penalty.

Because it has nothing to do with his ability to govern the country. Much like receiving intern head.