That’s not good enough to satisfy a lot of those white swing voters he’s been able to attract thus far.

“I’m not a perfect man, I won’t be a perfect president. I’m going to tell you not what you want to hear but what you need to hear, I’m going to tell you the truth”

That’s called leadership.

He just shook the fence that a lot of peope were sitting on.


So True.

Todays results: JoeS > JayS

The short sightedness of people scares me sometimes.

Jay and I need our own forum! It’s like Crossfire!

Sorry you feel that way. Personally I’d have a problem voting for McCain if Wright was his long time friend and preacher and didn’t take a harsher stance against him. I think a lot of Obama people will have the same problem with Obama. We’ll see in November, but I can guarantee that even if McCain won’t bring it up the soft money groups will not let this issue disappear. Assuming Obama even gets the nomination, which is hardly a lock.

You mean like hugging the people he called “mouthpieces of intolerance”?

Who exactly are you referring to? I’m assuming the evangelical crowd?

EDIT: Ah yes, the Jerry Falwell stuff.

Yep, I’m certainly not happy that he’s making friends with that guy. At least Falwell saw the error in his racist ways and now preaches for interracial congregations.

But, even you have to see a difference between being a good friend of someone who’s been preaching hate for 20 years and continues to do so and what McCain is doing.

10 point drop in the polls for Obama. His supporters, like Joe, said the speech was good enough for them. The swing voters, like I predicted, felt otherwise.

He’s recovered in the daily tracking, just wait until mid next week when he’s fully recovered

It’s like a game of “who can say the dumbest shit” between Obama and Hillary.

Not good when you claim you were ducking sniper fire and running for cover then the video surfaces showing you walking along with your daughter chatting with people. :lol:

I have decided neither of them really want the responsibilty of being president.:biglaugh:

And your senile boy McCain is any better? He is starting to sound more and more like Bush every day when he talks about Iraq.

This is as low as either democrat is going to go, whereas McCain should be riding high right now. Yet they’re still both beating him if the vote were to happen today. I’m not worried.

Really? With Hillary and Obama spending millions and millions and McCain just sitting there pretty much doing nothing until the Dems choose a nominee and still being in a statistical tie you’re not worried? You don’t think once the convention is over and McCain starts spending his millions getting his message out he’s not going to pick up some points?


They’re spending millions and millions to bash each other. Both of their campaigns are better funded than McCain’s. (not to mention that they managed to do so legally) By the time he gets his turn there’s going to be no mud left to sling. A week is a lifetime in politics. It’s better that they bottom out now than peak too soon. In November, no one is going to remember Wright, Ferraro, or any of the crap that has an effect right now. (See: Dean, Kerry, 2004)

I keep forgetting which thread I was reading '08 election banter in, since all political threads this year turn into that. So lets make this the official thread for it. Renaming and stickying until JayS or the Joe’s claim victory.

But even bashing each other they’re still getting their message out. With it being the only message people are hearing McCain is still in a tie. You can’t tell me he’s not going to gain support once he starts campaigning against one of them.