I really want to go on a green people muder streak, Consider it vigilanteism for the greater good.

More refineries, drill the coast of florida, keep our alaskan oil, and fucking shut your god damn FACE HOLE ABOUT ETHANOL! Its less efficient, its raising the cost of food.

I dont get paid enough for this bullshit.

We really need an updated version of the game Oregon Trail. 1/2 way across the country you could be given the option to convert your food to fuel for your car. When everyone starved in the rockies maybe people would learn that food crops are for food and fuel is for burning.

Obama supporters want to comment on this?

Wright fucking sucks. I think he’s getting some kind of sneaky monetary encouragement from clinton backers.

:lol: It’s so funny to see ex-Bill Clinton lovers turn the Clintons into the next Karl Rove.

Wright sucks, but even today Obama was on meet the press still not admonishing this guy. Quotes I heard were, “people change over time”, and “he built a great church and a great congregation”.

What I, and most of America, were waiting to hear was something along the lines of, “he’s preaching hate and I no longer consider him a friend”. Instead it’s one excuse after another and it’s really starting to show in the polls. And even as an Obama supporter it has to make you start to wonder where his head is.

As bad as Wright is, Bush is worse for McCain than Wright is for Obama.

I love that guy, hes making it soooo hilarious to watch the news\

His JFK impression was the BEST!!! HAHAHAHAHA

Uh, wrong.

Even Obama admits McCain is better than Bush. And your statement is completely wrong when you look at polling about that specific issue.

Nice job of misquote/misinterpreting what I say, Jay. Where did I say that he WAS Bush? All I have said in the past is that McCain is adopting Bush’s policies on taxes, on the economy and on the war.

I guess this statement is completely false taken directly from the link I posted that you probably didn’t read…

But according to the latest NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll, the bigger problem appears to be John McCain’s ties to President Bush.
In the survey, 43 percent of registered voters say they have major concerns that McCain is too closely aligned with the current administration.

McCain has plenty of places to show he’s different than Bush when the race eventually shifts from dem vs dem to dem vs republican. There are a lot of people who support Bush’s economic views and are terrified of the two democrats isolationist policies. I believe McCain will be able to make a case for his views on Iraq based on the progess we see now and the hope that more progess will happen by the election. If things get worse not better though he will probably lose.

Obama on the other hand has had all these opportunities to distance himself from Wright and won’t. Even this morning on Meet the Press he was still making excuses for the guy. The polls will continue getting worse for him.

Honestly, I hope he doesn’t fuck it up too bad because I’d be more worried about McCain vs Clinton than I would be about McCain vs Obama. She’s gaining ground fast in NC and that’s amazing considering the percentage of the population there that is black. There are a lot of Clinton voters who see her as closer to center than Obama and will find McCain closer to their views than Obama’s far left policies.

The percentage of blacks voting Obama is a fun little PC discussion the news doesn’t want to touch with a 10 foot poll either. 95+ % in some cases, an astonishing number when it comes to demographics supporting a candiate, but no one dares ask the question of, “are they voting because he falls in line with their views, or are the voting on skin color”. The former would be pretty much impossible with percentages that high. But if a small percentage of the white vote says they’re voting for Clinton because she’s white and Obama is black, we can talk about racism all day on that. Ah, the old reverse racism double standard.

Instead of this election moving race relations ahead like everyone was originally hoping I think you’re going to see the Wright mess and Obama’s fear of alienating his black base set race relations back several steps.


Glenn Beck has a great article on CNN today.

I watching CNN right now and she is talking as if she won by 10 points in Indiana. I thought, I hoped that she was going to drop out.

She has become such a joke (ie. Gas Holiday) she sayiong that Indiana was the tie breaker and now they’re on to the White House. She won by 4 points and lost NC, can’t she do math?!

They are going to split the delegates in Indiana, she didn’t win shit.

Shes certainly hurting the Dems rather then helping…

Yes and No. She’s not helping with party unity but the number of people registering to vote in the primary is trumping that of the Republicans. If the same number of people whot voted in the primary vote dem in nov it will be a no contest for the dems.


Maybe if you ignore the huge number of white voters who will never vote for Obama after the Wright mess, but here in the real world you can’t ignore those people.

Even the left leaning analysts are very concerned about the number of Clinton supporters who will vote McCain if Obama gets the nomination. The right leaning ones are salivating over it.

Listening to both of them over the past month or two has been hard to stomach. You’ve got Obama saying, “when I’m president” every time he answers a question (hey asshole, you haven’t even won the nomination yet, let alone the election, how about “if I’m elected president…”, and then you have Hillary making up shit like, “I have the most votes, if you count MI and FL” when Obama wasn’t even on the ballot in MI. :bloated:

Nice to see the right can always count on the racist vote. :bloated:

And the Wright mess won’t mean dick by Nov.

That somthing that every nominee that has ever run has said.

Jay, your analysis makes me :lol:. You should probably go and work for Fixed News with that insight. They can put you on their latest commercial, click my sig.

This contest will be over by the end of May and then McCain is in deep shit because all his flaps and faux pas will be hugely exposed. Flip-flops on immagration, the economy, torture, etc, his acceptance of Hagee, his support of the gas tax holiday. :rofl:

More like the anti-racist vote. In case you missed it, Wright is the racist.

Yep, black people can be racist too. Amazing huh?

The Wright mess will not go away, nor should the Republicans let it. Obama had 20 years to figure out what took 99% of the country 2 minutes of sermon clips to figure out; that Wright is a racist asshole. Then even as the story broke Obama could have pulled the parachute and distanced himself, instead he kept making excuses for his long time pastor. Only once the heat really got turned up and he started dropping in the polls did he decide it was time to abandon Wright. Sorry, not good enough.

And Matt, it’s hardly just “my” analysis. Pretty much everyone from Fox News to Time agrees Obama is getting hurt by Wright because he took so long to denounce him. About the only ones who don’t are people like you, still running the John Kerry campaign of “not Bush”, but forgetting that McCain isn’t Bush.

But whatever, keep hoping by some miracle that will all just disappear and your fractured party will suddenly be one happy family again. You’ve got almost 4 more months of this before the convention because he can’t pick up states like OH, PA or IN.

Of course, if IN flips Obama after I go to bed it could be over for Clinton.

Damn, IN is going to be close, and probably be a big controversy tomorrow since the county that is VERY late reporting is the county where the city Gary is in, the city where the Mayor has said his county could make IN the upset for Obama.

Wright will not keep Obama from winning the election. But if you want to put your money on that go right ahead.

I know Black people can be racist, I have said that any black man that voted for Obama simply because he’s black is just as bad as any white hick that can’t get over Obama is black.

And trust me when Dems go to the voting booth and see that its between Obama/Clinton and Bush…I’m sorry…McCain, they’re not going to go McCain. I’ll give you an example, if Hilary Clinton wins the nomination as an Obama supporter I will STILL VOTE FOR HILARY CLINTON OVER JOHN “BUSH” MCCAIN.