I say give his plan a try, the alternative/Republican plan is to keep millions off health insurence anyway.

Since McCain has NO plan to fix healthcare I;m going with Obama.

Face it, with rising health costs ending no time soon and more people being without health insurence, Universal Health Care is going to happen whether you like it or not.

If you cant afford health insurance, thats not my problem.

I have a job, I have health insurance, thats how it works.

You end up paying for those people who can’t afford the insurence by higher premiums, when someone shows up gets service and can’t pay for it who do you think does?

Getting people basic health coverage so that illnesses can be treated early and cheaply will not only save lives but save money in the long run.

Example: Which is cheaper? Providing a man who is 45 blood pressure medication or triple bypass surgery when that man if 55?

Also as health insurence keeps rising in cost you can have a job and still not afford health insurence.

I guess it come down to a fundamental difference in opinoin.

You think only those who can afford health insurence should get it, I believe everyone has a right to it.

I refuse to say that. I’m sorry, show me what the real costs are and how you really plan to pay for it before I’ll approve it. The simple reason being there is no way to back out of this once we commit. If Obama gets his plan in place and then we find out it actually costs us a trillion a year it’s too late, we’re stuck with the bill. There is no way to turn around once you’ve given away health care and say, “sorry, it was too expensive”.

And I love how you say McCain has “no plan” just because he doesn’t want to socialize it. Here’s a little reading for you, again, not from a biased candidate site:

I’ll even provide a link for the background of the guy that wrote it:

There are people/families with jobs who still can’t afford health care. But the biggest difference between parties right now is right there in your post. “You’re not my problem”, I suppose you just have a different view about what it means to be an American, or a human for that matter.

Oh and PS, if you have health insurance through your job you can likely kiss it goodbye under McCain’s plan.

I’m comfortable with calling myself an American and saying I oppose socialized health care. I want to see us lower the costs so everyone who works hard can afford health care, but saying cover everyone, cost be damned, is no more in the American spirt than saying to hell with people who can’t afford health care.

Do you have any idea how NOT socialized the Obama health care plan is? I know it’s a fun scare word but you might want to study a bit more.

Your right there, it’s worse. Instead of the government taking it over and then controlling the cost his plan will just dump money into the broken system while giving the end users absolultely no reason to control costs.


And :lol: at “scare tactics” when you post something like, “if you have health insurance through your job you can likely kiss it goodbye under McCain’s plan”.

Pulled directly from the article YOU posted about his plan

Yes, but then it goes on to explain how you’re going to be better off.

“McCain suggests that we junk all that. Say you’re earning $100,000 a year and your company provides about $9,000 toward your $12,000 family premium, which is about average. Today you’re taxed only on the $100,000. Under McCain’s plan, you’d also pay on the $9,000. That could mean an extra $3,000 or so in federal taxes alone. To compensate for the extra levy, McCain would provide a $2,500 federal tax rebate for individuals and $5,000 per family, meaning a family would simply subtract $5,000 from its tax bill, the equivalent of a big cash payment.”

Great Example from the article except the example is a person making 100k a year. Not the national average of closer to 30k.

People with 100k paying jobs are not the ones loosing health insurence.

…the equivalent of a big cash payment."


Social Darwinism.

You know what happened when I stopped goign to college and wasnt on my parents insurance? I went and got a job with Health Insurance, Sure its not cheap, but I have it, and its Not Cobra.

People not having health insurance is not my problem. Nor should it be. I work hard to cover myself, not others.

I’m proud of you.

Surely you are leading the example of rags to riches.

edit: I used to believe in healthcare for everybody, but last Saturday I met a father who lived in the ghetto and drove a Range Rover. Talk about fucked up priorities. “Sometimes ya just gotta make the best of what you have!”

You’ll be working twice as hard when your paying for it in higher premiums.

And what will happen to you when your company can no longer afford to pay for your health insurence.

At the going rate health insurence will become somthing for only the wealthy or the publicly empolyed.

Again you and I have a difference of opinoin, you think health insurence is for only those who can afford it (a shrinking group) where I believe its a right.

Don’t let the few idiots of our society cloud your view. There is nearly 50 million people in this country without health insurence. They aren’t all driving Range Rovers.

Health Insurance is a privilidge. Just like driving, and working.

Its not a right, You dont have the right to drive, you have the privilidge, hence it can be taken away.

I have the privilidge of working for company that offers benefits, I can choose not to have health insurance, but that would be dumb.

This country could use some Darwinism.

Instead it’s just reeking more and more of Entitlement. :cocktease:


I suppose I’d much rather pay for health care and illegitimate children and Range Rovers than wars.

Obama 2008!

I’m going to try and ignore you from now on, between this and your position on the war it is obvious that you live in your own little world.

I like to debate with people like JayS and AWDrifter, atleast they research their positions and don’t sound as heartless.