The problem with health care is the cost. I’m not sure how many of us could afford to live without it if something drastic happens and we need expensive medical procedures done. The cost are never going to go down. So what is to happen to the people who work hard but their employers can’t afford the high cost of insurance? A privilege someone said. In the most powerful nation in the world, staying healthy should not be a privilege but inalienable right. If you work and give back to society in some way, you should have health insurance. You should be able to go to the doctor if your sick or injured and have adequate care.

Im just here for the pancakes. :fuzzyfish::fuzzyfish::fuzzyfish:

Everything before this page: TLDR

Healthcare should be an inalienable right regardless of your contribution to society. If you are a human, other humans should take care of you when you are in need. Regardless of what side of an imaginary line you were born on, what your IQ is, the color of your skin, your sexual preference, your gender, or your age.

The problem is the economics of the situation, there is a finite supply of doctors, medicine, and hospital bed space. I believe that everyone should be tended to, but how do you prioritize people to maximize the efficiency(in the economic sense) of the system?

Does your health history dictate what care you are eligible for? Should former smokers/drinkers be eligible for heart transplants? Do younger people get prioritized over the elderly on transplant lists?

How do you fund it?

I think a lot of our healthcare costs could be funded through taxes on vices. Fast food, Alcohol, Tabacco, Soda, should all be taxed and that money should go to pay for the healthcare related to those issues. If there is a direct correlation between consumption and long term health defects you should have to “invest” in your future healthcare. More people would buy fruit and vegetables if they were cheaper than the garbage-calorie-food. If you can adjust the economic incentives people will respond accordingly.

Why couldn’t the Republicans nominate Glenn Beck?

So what are my core values, the things that I refuse to compromise on? To figure that out, I decided to try to define what I think a conservative really believes.

A conservative believes that our inalienable rights do not include housing, healthcare or Hummers.

A conservative believes that our inalienable rights DO include the pursuit of happiness. That means it is guaranteed to no one.

A conservative believes that those who pursue happiness and find it have a right to not be penalized for that success.

A conservative believes that there are no protections against the hardship and heartache of failure. We believe that the right to fail is just as important as the chance to succeed and that those who do fail learn essential lessons that will help them the next time around.

A conservative believes in personal responsibility and accepts the consequences for his or her words and actions.

A conservative believes that real compassion can’t be found in any government program.

A conservative believes that each of us has a duty to take care of our neighbors. It was private individuals, companies and congregations that sent water, blankets and supplies to New Orleans far before the government ever set foot there.

A conservative believes that family is the cornerstone of our society and that people have a right to manage their family any way they see fit, so long as it’s not criminal. We are far more attuned to our family’s needs than some faceless, soulless government program.

A conservative believes that people have a right to worship the God of their understanding. We also believe that people do not have the right to jam their version of God (or no God) down anybody else’s throat.

A conservative believes that people go to the movies to be entertained and to church to be preached to, not the other way around.

A conservative believes that debt creates unhealthy relationships. Everyone, from the government on down, should live within their means and strive for financial independence.

A conservative believes that a child’s education is the responsibility of the parents, not the government.

A conservative believes that every human being has a right to life, from conception to death.

A conservative believes in the smallest government you can get without anarchy. We know our history: The larger a government gets, the harder it will fall.

Those are the things a conservative believes in, and they’re the things that I believe in. Now, if only I could find a candidate to match.

i stopped reading when he said that health care isn’t a right

Yeah, you have never let facts get in the way of your opinion.:smiley:

“A conservative believes that everyone has a right to life.”
So fetuses surviving solely on the mother’s body that they are in have a right to life, but once they’re out they don’t have a right to the medical care they may need to stay alive if their parents don’t make enough money? fucking :picard:

A conservative believes that people go to the movies to be entertained and to church to be preached to, not the other way around.

But I liked Narnia!!!

There are a few of those I would say doesn’t fall into either conservative or liberal just American. Then there are some I just simply don’t agree with at all.

Lets go to a new topic shall we.

US Supreme Court just ruled the gun ban illegal in DC. I think they made the right decision, thoughts, opinions?

But that was the only one I disagreed with.

  1. There is already a thread about that here:
  2. This is the election thread.

Well we have talked about the war and universal healthcare since the next president will be affecting the Supreme Court I figured it fit.

Good point. You’ve got John Paul Stevens at 88 years old who I would love to see off the bench, and Ginsburg at 75. Those are the two I see as most likely to be replaced by the next president.

yeah you guys held serve on Rehnquist and picked up a few points going O’connor to alito…Mccain getting elected would be break point…

BTW, it was Alito, Roberts, Scalia and Thomas who where in disent in the death penalty for child rape case.

One more conservative would have been helpful in that case.

the court got that one right. Eye for an eye is super archaic, but going beyond it is just ridiculous. No matter how heinous the crime, you can’t take a life for anything less than doing the same. (and again with the conservatives and the “everyone has a right to life”)

Have to disagree there. If I could only choose only one case where the death penalty be used it would be for child rape. There are mountains of evidence showing that there is no rehabilitation for these kinds of criminals. Either they are locked up, drugged out of their minds, or they’re out raping again. Sounds like a perfect case for the death penalty to me.

I makes much more sense than using it for cop killers. That cop had a weapon, training and at least had a chance.

While I am for the death penalty for murderers I have to dissagree with you on this one.

The second we open the door for capital punishment to be used for crimes other than murder and treason we migh not be able to close it. What would stop courts for issuing the death penalty for other highly violent crimes?

Don’t get me wrong I would love to see some of these freeks get a needle stuck in thier arm but my lust for punishment should not out-weigh must desire for justice.

Besides child rapists get the worst treament in prison by both the guards and the inmates. Why not just make child rape a mandatory life in prison?

Well they do get rape for a rape there.

Agreed. Death is too quick for these guys. They get absolutely brutalized in prison. My friends father is a prison guard for a “near by” prison, the other prisons once sodomized a child molester with an industrial metal pipe cleaner.