thats fucking awesome.

So much for “we’ll pay for everything by just getting out of Iraq”.

Interesting read. Pretty negative toward both of them.

Good read.

All I got out of that is that we can’t afford this war.

So Obama votes for the new wire tap bill, and now he might be considering a Republican VP?

By the time Nov comes around I may be voting for him and all you far left Obama voters will be voting McCain. :lol:

^Can you say “dead Presidents”?
Some red neck will off him if there is a Republican VP.

AWDRifter, I would think you’d stand to benefit from this, depending on what extent you offer health insurance to your employees…

Not to mention, one of the cooler moves he’s made this whole election cycle…telling Jesse Jackson to STFU.

‘I Won’t Back Up’

SAN DIEGO – Sen. Barack Obama says he will continue to chastise absentee black fathers and deliver tough-love speeches to the black community, even if the Rev. Jesse Jackson doesn’t like it.

Interviewed on his campaign plane Saturday night on the way to San Diego for a speech to a Latino group, the senator said Jackson had raised his concerns privately, even before the civil rights leader’s caustic comments became public last week. Jackson was caught on video angrily saying that Obama was “talking down to black people.”

“We had actually discussed some of the concerns that he had raised about my Father’s Day speech,” Obama said. "I told him that I absolutely believe we have structural inequalities in this country that have to be dealt with, which is why I have proposed making sure that health care is accessible for every American. . . . But my argument is simply that it’s not an either/or proposition but a both/and proposition. The government – and society as a whole – has an obligation to deal with poverty. . . . Not just in the inner cities, but in rural communities all across America.

“But we also have to recognize there’s a particular problem when more than half of African American children are growing up without a father in the house and oftentimes not even knowing their father.”

Added the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, who himself grew up without knowing his father: “That is a problem, and I won’t back up one bit in asserting that that’s a problem that we have to be honest about.”

Asked about Jackson’s response, Obama said, “Well, in my conversation, it would be hard for him to disagree with that, because many of the things I said are things that he has said in the past.”

:lol: I don’t know which is funnier… the picture or the fact that it came from The New Yorker.

I didn’t want to post it because I figured people would scream Fox News was somehow behind it.

Nope. I guess that’s a legit cover of the New Yorker.

Yeah, I read about it this morning. It’s printed out and stuck to my wall here at work.

:lol: Why does that not surprise me?

yeah they really helped his image as elitist and liberal with that satirical cover intended to be funny to elitist liberals that the south will take seriously :picard:

They are distracted over the Tony Snow death. Normally I would have been suspicious… Did you know Fox News killed Dr. King AND Jesus?? True story.

quoted for preservation.

Latest Jib-Jab - Campaign 2008

Not bad but nothing will ever top their first one with Kerry/Bush.

definitely not. My favorite was when Schwarzenegger and Bill Clinton are talking about California and the NY Island and then Hillary comes in to slap him, “What’d I do?” Hahhaha

Exactly. They’re that one hit wonder that keeps releasing crap that’s just good enough so they don’t go away.

Obviously you’ve never seen Nasty Santa before…That, IMO, is teh funniest of them all… Let me find it.