^ I stand by my one hit wonder comment.

Dood, dick and fart jokes are funny. Although you are a republican so I am not surprised you don’t think it’s funny… :biglaugh:

I thought Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back was funny though.

Did anyone watch NBC news last night?
This was the headline as Lester Dolt read the news about Obama in Iraq…

Does that include his entire 143 day carrer in the Senate too?

Just wow.:picard:

The media gets more pathetic everyday.

Thats ok I watched Fox News the other day and they said that the Maliki endorsment of Obama’s plan was a win for McCain. :bloated:

:picard: thats pretty sad

So that’s why McCain’s campaign had to admittedly lie about picking a VP this week in order to get some attention thrown their way?

Drawing a million people to hear you talk in Berlin and getting the blessing of the Iraqi President are big deals. If McCain wants attention, he’ll have to do something more newsworthy than whining about Obama’s.

The media microscope goes both ways. Even the slightest slip up will be on every major news outlet before he can say “but…”
McCain knows he has no chance in a popularity contest. He has to sit back and hope Obama screws up.

Blah, blah, blah.

McCain and Obama are both one in the same.
We’re fucked.
You should have educated yourself about Ron Paul.
I hope you enjoy The New World Order.
That is all.

hey didnt hogan try to run for president in 00?

Most of the US did, that’s why he barely got any votes.

Isolationism in a global economy is a horrible idea.

/Ron Paul

You asked for NWO, you are going to get it.
Like I said, Enjoy.

Umm Obama is making news. That’s why he’s getting tons of coverage. He’s the first major party african american candidate for president and he’s going on a world tour. That’s pretty big fucking news. McCain has been running for president for 9 years now, and has been a media darling the entire time. Notice how CBS covers a major gaff for him, his al queda/iran training gaff never got picked up, etc… etc…

PS - Glenn Beck is a fucking blowhard

PPS - Ron Paul is an economic dinosaur. He’d cripple the US to the point where we’d have to become a self-contained nation, our entire economy would have to change to support it. You think getting rich is hard now? We’d be some sort of “capitalist” version of North Korea w/ Ron Paul in charge.

Just today minimum wage was increased.
Great step toward globalization.
What are China & India up to $1.00/month.


Maybe the dollar will completely collapse and make us more competitive.
Maybe if we are lucky the market will take a record dive even sooner.:bloated:

Glen Beck?!? hahahahaha

Same guy that said FDR was the worst President ever and that the Progressive movment of the early 1900’s is only about income tax and prohibition.

Did anyone catch Obama trashing the USA in Germany earlier this week?
After a few minutes he realized he was exposing his anti-American beliefs so he started back pedaling, “America has strived to do good things”(paraphrasing).

How about America has actually ACCOMPLISHED many things to help the planet in COUNTLESS ways you anti-American piece of shit?

I am no big fan of McCain but if you vote for Obama you deserve what you get.


You’re just dying on your own sword with this comment.

Bashing? How about realizing that our country has made some mistakes. Like the war in Iraq and the Gitmo prisoners that make us look like stalinist russia.

He also was making mention of our countries long struggle to live up to what it preaches, which is that we are a free nation. Our own history points to the fact that we have not lived up to that ideal (slavery, near genocide of native americans, the red scares, xenophobia, the rise of the KKK etc…) but that we are going in the right direction.

A little humility goes a long way. He actually went up a notch in my book by giving that speech.

P.S. : I’m the 1000th post!