The US needs to show humility in Germany of all places?
That’s rich.:rofl:


Still like it better than the Republican policy of “If I don’t acknowledge that I was wrong, then it never happened”

WTF does it matter that it was in Germany? You need to get over yourself. America has had its problems, and continues to have problems, there nothing wrong with admitting that. In fact its the first step into correcting it.

And since the last 8 years have destroyed our credibility with the rest of the world, we could start fixing our stance with the rest of the world by showing a little humility.

So…we should show humility for what we have done in the past 200 years? what about the holocaust, or was that just a sham like landing on the moon.

Our Credibility is just fine, as a nation, people have long since lost all respect for bush, and im sure the rest of the world is just as eager to see what will transpire with our next president, if we reclaim our #1 spot, or if we collapse.

Why I’m responding to you I don’t know but here we go.

As a nation we have accomplished many things especially in the short time of two hundred years, but we have had problems. There is nothing wrong with admitting we have had problems, I have already listed some of the problems Obama was referring to.

And our credibility is not fine, it was fine with the rest of the world under Clinton and even Reagan but not under Bush. The next president will have to repair the damage of the last. And since McCain is sounding more and more like Bush he is not the man for the job.

Bringing up our countries past has no relevence in the current election.

I hate Obama with a huge passion

Really? You might want to tell that to every politician then.

You hate Obama with a huge passion? Oh never mind, your the same guy that said that civil war was inevitible in Iraq but we should stay anyway.

Scientific study released yesterday…72% of coverage of Obama on major news outlets since Hillary conceded was negative, 28% positive, vs. 57% negative for McCain and 43% positive.
Damn that liberal media sweating Obama :picard:




McCain new ad is out. Wow he is getting desperate.

Loosing ground after two weeks when you couldn’t read any web or print news source without seeing Obama on the cover is pretty impressive.


eh, theres a lag in the polls. No one really gives a shit til it starts to get cold anyway


I feel the same way about beer.

The sparks are going to start flying once the unions get involved.
Heard on the radio that one of the unions wants to hire like 1200 more people to break the 200,000 mark?!?
We need fewer union people and this guy wants to add more just so they can say they have 200,000 members?!?
God have mercy on this state.

How do you Obama supporters that were against the stimulus package (Joe especially) feel about this?

Now leading Democrats on the Hill - and presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama - are arguing that Congress should pass another stimulus package that could include anything from more tax rebates to increased food stamp payments to more spending on infrastructure, like bridges and roads.

Opposed. We need to chill on the deficit spending.
If anything, I’d want it to be the infrastructure spending, because at least that’s stuff that everyone needs, provides jobs instead of handouts, and keeps the money in this country. A lot better than a “go buy yourself a chinese TV” rebate.