
Even better if most of the infrastructure work wouldn’t end up costing 10 times more than it should because of union contract bidding laws.

Ok, who got Joe’s password?
Steve? Jay?

haha, i thought the first stimulus package was dumb too, for the same reason. I’ll call a bad idea a bad idea, even if its my party that promotes it.


Let’s just be clear though that giving tax payer’s money back is NOT deficit spending.
I guess what I am saying is that I feel that giving money back is never bad but doing it without cutting spending is not smart.
Sooooooo give us our money back and stop funding the study of the dung beetle’s mating habits.:biglaugh:

Eh, they have a budget set for this year already, which includes a ridiculous amount of borrowing. A tax break doesn’t mean they can stop paying for the shit that they already budgeted, so they end up borrowing more.

It is if the gov’t can’t afford it or replace the money some how. If we had a surplus then it would have been fine, but we don’t. Bush and the Republicans pissed it all away.

Hey Joe, I know you’re not a big union fan. How do you feel about this?

I’m pretty torn because I’m not a union fan but I’m definitely not a Walmart fan either.

I’d like to see wal-mart unionize. Unions came about from companies that dick around their employees like they do. Plus, if they had to negotiate fairer contracts for all of their employees, they would lose some of their untouchable cost advantage that they use to bully everyone around.

^ True, but if the bill passes it will affect way more that just walmart.

Indeed. But I say if the majority of a company’s employees vote to unionize, there’s probably something they feel is going unfairly enough to be worth the effort, and it’s not the law’s place to stop them.

^ Yeah, but they can do that now. I like the single vote/secret ballot thing. It proves people actually WANT the union. This bill would allow them to collect signatures over time, which means you have pro-union people harassing the anti-union people.

I could see that turning into a, “sign this or when we eventually do get a union you’re fired” situation.

WalMart to unionize while they sell Chinese crap?:lol:

Great, making it easier to unionize should be the final nail in the coffin.
Let’s go global but then make it even harder for our country to compete.
Who thinks this shit up?
It’s like a bad joke.
Seriously who are the retards that come up with this shit?

We’ve moved past country to individual…

If you worked at walmart you would understand. I did it for a summer and let me tell you they treat you like shit, your not protected at all.

When my wife needed time off and compensation for surgery, the personel department was not allowed to tell her the procedure on how to go about it. They said right to our faces that they can not help us. that would not happen if it was union.

As Joe said, its companies like Walmart that make unions needed. I understand your argument against them but not all unions are bad. I’m union and proud of it.

Well I’m not a fan of Obama’s change of heart with off-shore oil drilling. But if this compromise puts in a mandate for initiatives into alternative energy sources, then I guess I’m all for it.


I hear ya.
The USA is used to a certain standard but here is the problem, we are trying to compete globally and keep our higher standards.
It just doesn’t work.

it’s b/c he’s picking Tim Kane as VP

National Gallop poll shows McCain now dead even with Obama, erasing Obama’s 9 point lead.

And Obama is now saying we need to tap the strategic oil reserves to help gas prices. :picard:

Obama quote from July 7th:

“I have said and, in fact, supported a congressional resolution that said we should suspend putting more oil into the strategic oil reserve, but the strategic oil reserve I think has to be reserved for a genuine emergency,” he said on July 7.

What genuine emergency are we facing right now? Oil is continuing to fall all by itself. The reserves are there in case a real disaster or political even great decreases our supply, like if Israel were to hit Iran’s nuke plants.

A little history lesson of the SPR (Strategic Petroleum Reserve)

The Strategic Petroleum Reserve exists, first and foremost, as an emergency response tool the President can use should the United States be confronted with an economically-threatening disruption in oil supplies.

The Reserve has been used twice under these conditions. First, in 1991, at the beginning of Operation Desert Storm the United States joined its allies in assuring the adequacy of global oil supplies when war broke out in the Persian Gulf. An emergency sale of SPR crude oil was announced the day the war began. The second was in September 2005 after Hurricane Katrina devastated the oil production, distribution, and refining industries in the Gulf regions of Louisiana and Mississippi. (Hurricane Katrina’s impact was so great, in fact, that SPR emergency oil loans preceded the President’s decision to drawdown and sell oil from the Reserve. The first of several emergency loan requests from refiners was received and approved within 24 hours of Hurricane Katrina making landfall.)

No where in there does it say it is to be used as a tool to buy votes by marginally lowering gas prices before an election. Besides that, with no supply issue, releasing oil wouldn’t do anything to lower the price.

Priceless response by the McCain camp about Obama’s reserve plan…

“Tapping the strategic oil reserve is not a substitute for a real plan to increase supply through additional drilling and nuclear power. The strategic oil reserve exists for America’s national security strategy – not Barack Obama’s election strategy,” said McCain spokesman Tucker Bounds.

“The last release of oil from the strategic reserve came in response to Hurricane Katrina, but the only crisis that has developed since Barack Obama last rejected this idea 28 days ago is a slide in his poll numbers.”