Wind and solar may be a joke in output compared to nuclear but they can still make a huge dent in our electricty. And don’t be so concerned with how much space they take up. Farmers that use a portion of thier land in the midwest make good money and its on thier property. Also large wind farms off the coasts work great. (I don’t care how many birds get killed.)

And what about pushing more programs to have new homes built with solar panels, it doesn’t have to be off the grid but they could supplement eachother.

:bigclap:yea the dumb’s i mean the dem’s really gave us change:hitit:

and who my “friend” put that little rule in action??? billary clinton!

Chet Edwards vp?

Edit: Guess not.

NCLB needs work, I’ll admit that. But the teachers unions wants the status quo of before NCLB, which needs work as well. No where is that more evident that right here in NY when a governor asks them trim back the spending INCREASE they’ve been receiving year after year and they spam the airwaves with scare ads about fired teachers and bigger classes.

Sorry, enemy combatants should not receive the same protections as American citizens as provided under our Bill of Rights. They get what is required of the Geneva Convention, which they get at Gitmo:

And yes, lets give farmers more incentive to grow less food and more energy. It’s working out so well with ethanol. Lets rip up some more of the land we need for FOOD for energy. We need to stop thinking big and start thinking small by advancing personal wind turbines and cheap solar systems for homeowners. Couple that with more safe nuclear and expanding our domestic production of current fuels and you have a real plan because everything is on the table. That’s the McCain plan BTW.

I was outing getting lunch and I heard Rush talking about how if Obama gave one of his 1/2 brothers $20 he could double his annual income.
I was LMAO.
He won’t help his blood relatives but he will help you?
Funny stuff.

Edit: He was also playing clips of Obama talking about how China has surpassed the USA in excellence. He is a tard.

Why bring up teacher unions? They can’t control whether a kid comes from a broken family who cares nothing for education?

NCLB targets schools with failing marks, these schools tend to be in low income poverty stricken areas where education is not nearly as valued as in the suburbs. How do teacher unions control poverty and crime in these neighborhoods? And yet the schools are held accountable, its like blaming a dentist because his patients have cavities.

I can’t believe you used that BBC article to your defence did you even read it? It says Bush was agaisnt it from the start and that they are only starting to be considered part of the Geneva Convention after the US Supreme Court ruled that they were. That was two months ago! There have been prisoners there for over 5 years! How can we say that we as a nation are for liberty, freedoms and rights then deny them to a certain group?

It is easy to give people we like rights and freedoms but the true test is if we give rights to people we can’t stand. Otherwise we are just full of shit.

The farmers that made money off of the windmills they have were mainly those from failing farms. Things light drought or flooding and high feul prices have left a lot of farmers screwed, many of them were able to keep thier farms by useing some of thier land for wind power. They saved their farms.

:bigclap: Ignorance must be bliss for you. Clinton wanted to abolish the policy of “no gays allowed” but was not able to get policy through. He compromised his position by the “don’t ask don’t tell” policy so that gays might be able to serve thier country and if they can prove that they can do as well a job as streights maybe the ban would be lifted permanently.

You should just sit down and let the grownups talk.

I brought up the teachers unions because they are just as big a part of the problem as NCLB. By the way, my mother is a NY State public school teacher nearing retirement and she agrees with this statement, as do many of the teachers who have been in the system for any amount of time. The NY teachers union yields far too much power and often uses that power at the detriment of the schools simply to guarantee their benefits.

I posted the BBC article because you still want gitmo closed, which is garbage, because it now meets the requirements of the Geneva Convention. I don’t care what Bush thought because despite the hot air from the Democrats he’s not running again. The freedoms and rights of this country are reserved for the citizens of this country, not foreign aggressors who try to destroy it.

The extremely limited amount of wind power we have right now may have helped farmers without sacrificing much food growing land, but no way will we get the huge amounts of clean energy we’d need to kick oil from wind without giving up massive amounts of land. The largest wind farm in the world puts out less power than an average sized nuclear reactor and takes up 42000 acres. Want specifics? Search, I posted them in another thread somewhere.

ok but when gas prices hit $10 with obuma in office then will see who is laughing.

Sen. Barack Obama has selected Delaware Sen. Joe Biden as his running mate- guess i owe someone DQ

Did you get a text message?:biglaugh:

no my iphone is broke…

Time to see if Biden does more harm that good.

Good for Obama, Biden’s foreign relations experience.

Bad for Obama, Biden doesn’t sit well with Obama’s core message of “change from fresh thinking”. This is a guy who was elected to the senate in 72, before most of Obama’s text messaging and blogging supporters were born.

Some other things Obama’s base may have issues with Biden because he:

  • Attacked Obama’s experience and readiness to lead during the primary.
  • Voted for the war in Iraq
  • Voted for the Defense of Marriage Act (Act would ban same sex marriage by states)
  • Supported the Patriot Act

It will be interesting to see how this plays out. My guess is it will help him with undecided voters, but may hurt him with some of his far left supporters.

Been browsing cnn’s ireport, home of the liberal blogger…

“One Nation”
But they still take a shot at Hillary by texting at 3:00am.
(If you don’t remember she had an ad months ago about, “Who do you want to answer that phone call at 3:00am?”)

Biden did say that Obama is a clean cut, well spoken, educated, African American(like that is some sort of amazing accomplishment) so maybe he is a good canidate.:gotme::lol:

This story gets better everyday.

Biden is a wonderful choice. I really couldn’t be happier. His speech today > *

Biden is also the poorest member of the senate, he takes amtrak to and from his home every day. He’s repeatedly apologized for his IWR vote (something Hillary for a long time refused to do, and that cost her).


Barry Soetoro 2008

You can’t make this shit up.:lol:

I think it would be really funny if McCain chooses Lieberman as his VP, especially given his age. Other than the war, he’s about as liberal as they come.