Official 24 Thread - 2007

Still a lot of unanswered questions for me. Marilyn is not long for the world of 24 IMO. She was literally in bed with one of the head dudes, and we all know how twisted shit can get…

Bump because its on now!!!

Update 2:27:07

Hamri Al-Assad (blown up with podium bomb)
Graem Bauer (drugged to death by his own father with hyoscine pentothal)
Curtis Manning RIP :frowning: (Bauer’d aka shot in the throat)

Approximately 540 Americans (terrorist bombed)
4 terrorists in the house (Cobra attack)
1 terrorist (stabbed)
1 terrorist (by Jack chewing off his throat) :eek:
the guy who played rube baker in major leagues 2 and 3…contractor guy (kumar shot in his house)
Prison Bus driver (?)
Scott’s Dad (vaporized)
Kumar (blasted by CTU)
Terrorist that was in the car crash that threw the grenade on the C4 pallets (hmmm)
Cop that wounded terrorist that was in the car crash that threw the grenade on the C4 pallets (shot)
3 Tac Team members (shot, then nuked)
4 terrorists (shot, then nuked)
20 Remaining Tac Team and terrorists (blackened)
Approximately 12,000 Valencio Californians (extra crispy)
Pilot of the crashed helicopter (splattered)
2 tac team members in the van outside Jack’s dad’s workplace (shot)
2 of Phillip Manning’s bodyguards (shot)
Darrin McCarthy (shot by the blonde chick in the see-through top)
Blonde chick in the see-through top (shot by Fayed)
5 terrorists (killed in the siegebreak on the apartment complex)
5 tac team members (killed when the house exploded)
2 of Phillip Bauer’s henchmen (shot)
3 White House staffers (blown up when podium bomb detonated)

Added some definition to the chart. I can’t wait to tally this up at the end of the year and see how many people croak in one day of 24. :bloated:

Pretty weak episode last night. I guess you have to build plot some times.

Is Assad dead? I don’t remember hearing anything about that. I know he was at least hurt.

dude stop ruining the show for me. i havent watched it on dvr yet, please put SPOILER in the beginning of your posts.


Stop going into a show’s thread when you aren’t caught up on the latest episodes. I mean, this is the OFFICIAL 24 thread. What do you think we’re going to be talking about the day after a new episode?

Where’s that Picard gif?


Is Assad dead? I don’t remember hearing anything about that. I know he was at least hurt.


If he’s not dead he’s in real bad shape. He was real close to the bomb, way closer than it’s 10 foot kill radius. And he looked in real bad shape when the were sifting through the bodies looking for the president. But I wouldn’t put it past 24 to have him somehow survive.

One question though. If the plan is to blame Assad for the bombing why would Assad not at least try to survive? Their plan was to simply blow them both up. If it was a suicide bombing don’t you think Assad would have run at the president, with the bomb, screaming “Allah ackbar” or what ever the hell they yell.

24 is getting pretty sloppy with their plot… worse than other seasons even.

And what’s up with the predator drone? Going to put a nuke on it and do an aerial detonation? Maybe get it up real high and try to EMP the whole country? I realize a predator drone isn’t capable of flying to 300 miles above the country that would be required to EMP from Maine to California, but again, it’s 24. They’ll just say this is the super UAV or some shit.


dude stop ruining the show for me. i havent watched it on dvr yet, please put SPOILER in the beginning of your posts.



^^ here he goes again! What do you think is going to be discussed in the 24 thread? Jack’s new hair cut? :bloated:


Adam has no love for PRK


Stop going into a show’s thread when you aren’t caught up on the latest episodes. I mean, this is the OFFICIAL 24 thread. What do you think we’re going to be talking about the day after a new episode?




Stop going into a show’s thread when you aren’t caught up on the latest episodes. I mean, this is the OFFICIAL 24 thread. What do you think we’re going to be talking about the day after a new episode?

Where’s that Picard gif?



i’m not serious.


24 is lame, and heroes is much better @ the 9PM time slot.

assad is DEFINITELY dead…they would not have ignored him lying broken and mangled on the ground if he wasn’t…

honestly, i think this is a good twist for 24. im curious to see where they take this…im sure there will be the faction that says “assad planned this all” and im sure the other half will say “why was he trying to save him”…lennox will prove to be the decisive factor (since they already announced he is signed for a multi-season deal), but then again they might all jump on him and say it was his plan

meh, i’ll still watch the show…even though i think prison break is a much better watch at 8pm these days…

Alright 1 dead Russian security agent.

Lil’ Ricky Schroder is going to be on next week. And I saw Logan’s wife in the previews as well. This should get interesting.

I see lots of shooting next week, get the death toll ready

assad confirmed dead btw

i sawwww pierceee in the pre-viewssss!

Aaron is banging the ex first lady. :tup: :lol:


Aaron is banging the ex first lady. :tup: :lol:


Presidential poontang!


Aaron is banging the ex first lady. :tup: :lol:


Haha nice.

I saw peirce too, and was like HORRAYYY!!

Update 3:07:07

Hamri Al-Assad (blown up with podium bomb)
Graem Bauer (drugged to death by his own father with hyoscine pentothal)
Curtis Manning RIP :frowning: (Bauer’d aka shot in the throat)

Approximately 540 Americans (terrorist bombed)
4 terrorists in the house (Cobra attack)
1 terrorist (stabbed)
1 terrorist (by Jack chewing off his throat) :eek:
the guy who played rube baker in major leagues 2 and 3…contractor guy (kumar shot in his house)
Prison Bus driver (?)
Scott’s Dad (vaporized)
Kumar (blasted by CTU)
Terrorist that was in the car crash that threw the grenade on the C4 pallets (hmmm)
Cop that wounded terrorist that was in the car crash that threw the grenade on the C4 pallets (shot)
3 Tac Team members (shot, then nuked)
4 terrorists (shot, then nuked)
20 Remaining Tac Team and terrorists (blackened)
Approximately 12,000 Valencio Californians (extra crispy)
Pilot of the crashed helicopter (splattered)
2 tac team members in the van outside Jack’s dad’s workplace (shot)
2 of Phillip Manning’s bodyguards (shot)
Darrin McCarthy (shot by the blonde chick in the see-through top)
Blonde chick in the see-through top (shot by Fayed)
5 terrorists (killed in the siegebreak on the apartment complex)
5 tac team members (killed when the house exploded)
2 of Phillip Bauer’s henchmen (shot)
3 White House staffers (blown up when podium bomb detonated)
1 Russian security agent (shot)