Official: Beer thread

pretty much anything at Browns, and anything in the Dogfish head Ale lineup.

the one’s that get me drunk. @ the moment it’s coors light . thanks Brooks. for leaving it in the fridge in my shop… lol

favorite beer


#1.) samuel adams summer ale

#2.) shocktop

#3.) blue moon

#4.) paulaner heffeweisen

#5.) killians irish red

in that order.

never had any of them

LOL @ sholtes reply

corona and heineken for me thanks

i hhhhhAAAAaaaaaAAtteee blue moon…sorry i just hate it

Lately its Miller High Life for me.
Cheap as fuck and tastes good.

miller high life is mad good

and im hopeing someone doesnt say keystone thats not beer thats watered down piss

lol keystone haahah useless !

I just grabbed the last High Life from the basement refridgerator

drinking alone… congrats on that im going to bed now lol

Its just one beer. I dont mind drinking alone though.

Favorite beer thread created by underage minor


so are u and u create threads…wtf

Yea but I dont create beer drinking threads

corona and yuengling yummm

i would much rather liquor though haha

Drinking alcoholic beverages is weak. I prefer shots of Zicam to destroy my liver (when needed).

Blue Moon :number1

corona to drink to enjoy, budweiser to drink just to get drunk. i REFUSE to drink natty light or keystone or any of those bullshit beers, i’d rather be sober than drink that bullshit

One Beer RULES and aint no shame in my game Coors Light all the way!!!