Official: Bucky Man Hunt Thread

liek i said, double consective life sentences or more if not killed

Here is the channel 2 article with good videos in case anyone missed it like me who was workin… gayness

I got the call when I was somewhere in MD heading toward PA that he gave up.

And I doubt you’ll see the death penalty, even in this case, thank you again Sheldon Silver and his dem croanies: :tdown:

time number three…

he will not be sentenced to death.

that is all.

werd… it’s “unconstitutional” :roll:

Wouldn’t it be fucked up if he actually didn’t shoot the two cops last week.

while it is possible, he still shot atleast one. If he didn’t, I hope their able to put the person behind bars that did

You’re all idiots… he has to be proven as the shooter… until then he cant be said to have done any of that.

and OJ didn’t murder two people…

some other random person on the lam shoots two cops in the woods with high powered weapons, possibly stolen earlier that week from the area. But it wasn’t bucky :roll:

All I’m saying is that any hick could do just about anything down in the southern tier and Bucky would get blamed for it. I hope he at the very least sits in Jail for the rest of his life… I’m just stating that no one saw him shoot those cops.

yea…hello death row…hello our tax dollars going to feed him and clothe him for 15 effin years and maybe they’ll give him a new can opener too while theyre at it…

and here comes our educational number 4 post in regards to this subject

no death penalty for Bucky.

Now correct me if I’m wrong but someone told me that the dealth penalty can cost more than housing him for some reason. That doesn’t sound right to me but who knows.

Oh, and I don’t believe the death penalty will happen.

Yep, now we get to spend tons and tons of money prosecuting him and then tons and tons of money keeping him alive forever.

Somebody should have just yelled “stop resisting” and capped him.

oh, lol… sorry i was on page 6 and didnt realize there were 3 more pages… haha

i still wish he got away.


just because hes newman

So people like you will respond with questions like “why?”.

Yeah I thought there might have been some argument, but he probably just want to create shit as usual.