Official: Bucky Man Hunt Thread

what did he actually go to prison for…being a thief or something right?

Parole violation if I recall correctly.

He was a career theif that spent 20 of the last 23 years in prison.

I want to hear his motive.

they said tonite on the news that they dont know who is going to be getting the money, becuz something about it being donated. i think my dad should get it, he was involved in the capture…he was the beefy dude next to bucky with the us marshals coat on, on the front page of the paper


worked in kitchen case administration didnt want to do paperwork for his greivance at prison… so they stuck him in the kitchen to make him happy… beedless to say theres goign to be a few changes at sheriffs jail in alden… my dad works there i guess what hr said… i big fuckup so they couls save time on paperwork.

The supe said that no one he knew of qualified for the reward money. The initial stop that lead to the events that eventually lead to his capture/surrender was by a police officer. They are not eligible for a reward because they are paid to uphold the law. It would be nice if that money was added to the grant/fund for the officers injured/killed ny Bucky (presumably) but who knows at this point