just saw this on the news. fuck lets get this cocksucker, thats a lota money. he is on FBIs TOP 10 Fugative list. shit. little bitch

haha i heard they have fredonia on some sort of lock down?

if we set up a cardboard cut out of a cop in the middle of a street and waited in the bushes with M4’s :shoot: maybe eventually he’d show up?:gotme:


I am there…I would quit my job to find this fucker for that kinda $

Of course my probability of success lessens the impact of that statement. I would like to just be out for a stroll in the park and come across him sleeping and bludgen him to near death with a rock…and collect my check.

I still maintain I would buy a car and my plate would say THXBUCKY or PD4BYBUK

LOL…I like how you put this in KILL stories.

haha yea i thought that too, but i can see it as a callout :gotme:

i wonder what would happen id you delivered him dead :gotme:
i know someone with alota guns

No chance in hell…over 100 troopers can’t find him I doubt anyone on here can…best case scenario you see him driving and put those horses to use and rear end him before you run out of gear…lol.

you’d probly get a handshake and a bonus for saving NY the time and money of the trial and execution.

Depends. If the troopers aren’t using any undercover agents, maybe we’d have better luck. Who would he duck and run from? Cops? Yes. Random people? Maybe not.

This makes me wonder if it would be crazy easy to disappear and sneak around without being caught, or really freakin’ hard. I assume he’s using disguises. My guess is he’s sneaking around with people in really nice cars. The cops expect pickup trucks and hillbilly cars.

I dont subscribe to that 2nd part of your theory at all…I agree strangers may have better luck but at this point I am sure he is skeptical of any “stranger”

  1. NO WAY IN HELL IS ANYONE WITH A NICE CAR DUMB ENOUGH TO HARBOR A FUGITIVE…Especially at this point where he is a “Cop Killer”

Nice Car = more than 80 IQ points = NOT RETARDED

yea i cant see him walkin up to some guy in a beamer, vette, etc and introducing himself.

hi, im bucky phillips, yes the bucky phillips, cop killer extroidinaire, i was wondering if i could hitch a ride, your car doesnt get much cop attention right?

Money does not = smart. I’m sure I could cite a few NYSpeed members for evidence of this.

I don’t feel that strongly about my little theories though. I just wonder how he’s getting away.

Money /= smart, however it would lend itself towards more common sense…unless however u were from out of town or living under a rock.

I think its very simple how he is avoiding capture

1 Thought - there are hundreds of thousands of wooded acreage in the southtowns…its not impossible for one man to get “lost” in that regardless of the search effort.

2nd Thought- he is indoors living with some acquaintance he made that noone ever knows he made or he could have kidnapped or killed an old couple that noone pays attention to…I mean anything is possible in that regard.

wasnt trying to cut you down btw, seems like you realized that but just to be safe.

im also curious as to how anyone escapes such searches. but if osama can hide from an entire army, why cant some hillbilly hide from ny’s finest, if thats who is even on the job.

there are cops on EVERY god damn street down here in fredonia. on the main streets they have their lights on too.

So your’re telling me that all the dumb arse blonds driving around down here in their E-500 chilling at Starbucks all damn day because their husbands bring in all the loot are not dumb arses?

Listening in to some of their conversations caused me to drop at least 15 IQ points.

Maybe it’s just something in the SC water…

Fixed #2… He he…

I should just go catch him…I’ve got too many loans to pay off :wink:

word…i heard it on the news that they upped the reward and he will be on Americas Most Wanted tomorrow

For that kind of money I’m surprised his whole family isn’t trying to turn him in.