The new york times asks....Wheres Bucky?

haha saw this article today. the new york times is covering this now, and i think its hilarious. check it out,

last night at a party a bunch of us were talking about what we would do with bucky if we saw him in our backyard. haha i would get plastered with him and tell him to take whatever he wants. what would u guys do? haha

shoot out his knees

beat his face a little bit

collect my 50,000 than laugh all the way to the bank

bucky is probably eh… 10 mins from my house in the woods somewhere. i’ve been looking for him for weeks… i leave food out for him and everything.

What is he, a fuckin deer lol. “here boy, I got food for you”. I woudl hide out with a rifle and put a bullet between his eyes.

He is on the res.


i was looking for him on 4 wheelers a few weeks ago… no dice…


Its an inside joke.

anyone who says they would shoot him, is not only stupid, but its just a bunch of tough guy talk.

if there is a 50g reward, id “get really drunk” with him, wait till he passes out, then collect mah bread.

I totally looked out my window, I was disappointed when he didn’t show up.

i would provide him with supplies… gain his trust them blow him in
of course if he gets out again i’d prolly be the big time revenge target

go bucky go!

i hope this underscores how hard it is to find a person that choses to hide in a rural area, because if someone else asks me why we havn’t found osama yet, this shows just why.

i hope he gets away. for the sake of the underdog.

I hope he does nto. for the fact that he shot a cop. anyone else and Im on the underdog bandwagon

edit: true :stuck_out_tongue:

i think it was a black cop, so who cares. lol.

(j/k, racism is untapped comedy gold. eep)

he only shot a cop cuz they were shooting at him…ud do the same thing. but anyways whos says we take a cruise and go support the cause and buy some “bucky burgers”???

Yeah cause I do things on a daily basis that warrants cops to shoot at me :bloated:

we should leave him coolers of supplies with dates written clearly on them for perishables… Caned goods, can opener… a knife (ooo the knife may be bad… he prolly has one already) some bottles of Gatorade to make him hydrated easier… some bottles of water to dilute the gatorade. and … a note telling him to keep up the fight we’re all rooting for him

LOL… i bet they spent a long time debating if they should tack that on to the charges against him

ok well did anyone acually hear where the “shot” cop got shot?

I heard he shot himself in the foot. trying to pull his gun out.

but thats just an inter office rumor i heard.

Also the kid that was shot on an ATV was not really explained well in the media. How does someone get dragged on an atv for 1 mile and still Shoot someone. ?