The new york times asks....Wheres Bucky?

You’re right, and they had absolutely NO reason to shoot at him. The fact that he escaped is reason enough to catch him. Lock him up for a real long time. Catch that asshole!!

The kid on the ATV was drunk. And not wearing a helmet.

The officer, pulled him over, and approached the vehicle.

As they were talking, the officers belt, got caught on the atv, and the kid took off.

He was dragged for over a mile…his life was in jeopardy…and the officer shot the kid.

It was a clean shoot. And I’m glad the kid was killed. Now he can’t sue, and one more idiot is off the planet.

No one has brought up the point that, “Bucky” decided to escape 2 days before, he was set to be released. :bloated:

Holy crap…I agree with Beck…the Buck is a dumbass…2 days til parole and he jumped ship…RETARD…then he shoots a cop…EVER MORE RETARDED…then he bangs chicks in the southern tier…TOTALLY REDEEMING HIMSELF.

beck what’s up with the superfluous comma usage?

i mean nothing against the comma or anything


I kind of agree with you Beck, but if your from this area- you’d know… stupid but no one stops for cops on 4-wheelers…you can get so many tickets… no one wears helmets and almost all 4-wheelers around here are driven illegally…

the case is going to grand jury…that family is gonna get rich…i guarantee it.

Reading the article explains it all,het turned into a bird or squirrel.

As far as him escaping with only a few days left, from what I heard he was going to be sent back to a halfway house/rehab place. He has said in the past he wasn’t going back there no matter what. For the cop who shot the kid on the 4-wheeler, I’m sorry but how the fuck do you get your belt caught on it. Ive been riding for 15 years and cant see that happening unless the cop actually jumped on the machine somehow. That whole story is just way to fishy. Besides 99% of the people who ride would run from the cops anyway, I have and will do it again. I don’t think Bucky will be coming out alive, he will be murdered by the cops.

HAHa… you might as well leave some damn cookies and milk… hehehe


“They say that some shamans can actually change shape,” said Joanne Wiles, 48, a former postal worker now on disability. “As crazy as it sounds, to me it’s the only reason he could keep getting out. He changes shapes. I don’t know how. He could become a bird, or a squirrel.”

credible source :present:

Ohh yea… supporting a suspected murderer That’s schweet… Why not support some other underdog like the Bills, or The Cubs, or the Nashville Predators, I’m sure if I murdered your bro, you’d be rooting for me for the sake of the underdog. LOL@ newman.

I personally think that the ppl who are showing support for him are retarded, and I’m sure many of them are just jumping on the wagon kuz it’s there (Like newman… he’s a wagon jumper). Oh wellz. Just like ppl waving signs to OJ when he was running.


Have you followed the news coverage?
Where do they find these people?
I swear they do it on purpose, they find the most inbred, bad teeth, stringy haired people they can find and interview them.
When I saw the interviews with neighbors I thought they were in Arkansas!
Some one actually claimed it ruined their family party because police were patrolling.
What kind of party are you having that police cruisers are ruining it?

If the cops call in the roadkill first, what the hell are they supposed to serve?

If I lived down there I’d put food out for him too. But I’d have a motion sensor hooked up and as soon as he started eating, BAM, lights, guns, $50k for me. I wonder at what rate reward money is taxed.

As for the ATV, who knows the real story. I know according to the news, the police, and the DA the cop was pretty banged up though, consistent with actually being dragged. So if he really was being dragged and the guy refused to stop, regardless of what happened before that point, he’s fulfilled the NYS requirement for using deadly force. He has a reasonable and immediate fear for his own life, end of story.

Now, if he was simply hanging on to the ATV, and being dragged because he didn’t want to let go and let the guy get away, that’s a different story. We’ll see what comes out at the grand jury. Considering there are only two people who really know, a dead guy and the cop, I doubt this will even get past a grand jury though.

Someone just called 103.3 and said Bucky is getting shot at by troopers!

I was down in that area this weekend for a festival. The first night we were there, the people running the festival got a call from the po po saying they were going to swing by and check everybodys tents for bucky.

We loled.

They spotted Bucky like ~5 miles from my house near 104 in Niagara County. They had police and dogs fucking everywhere.

there is a 50k reward, lets go fuck him up

he steals cars? fuck him

for 50g I would kidnap a homeless guy and spend 10g in surgury to make him look like bucky and profit 40g