OFFICIAL Buffalo Sabres Thread

dallas in 6? comon now sean :slight_smile:

edit and another prediction for in 5! damn you guys are harsh :lol:

too much faith in your tired, unproven goaltender grasshopper :stuck_out_tongue:

heā€™ll be fine, its san jose that scares me in the west

fuck so we wont be able to hear rick at all? that sucksā€¦makes for an entirely different game experience if you ask me when you can hear himā€¦ :frowning:

youā€™re lucky san jose had one more win than dallas, else youā€™d be facing those fears in round 1 :eekdance:

oh i know haha canā€™t wait for all the games to start tho, best time of the year right here :smiley:

not true

1st round will be on msg entirely

2nd round will be on msg (with the exception of a maximum of 2 games that VS. can yank)

from there, i dont know


What, you donā€™t like listening to the NBC guys blather on for 15 minutes about some chick who sings the anthem? Or some line from 20 years ago for some team other than the two that were playing? I thought their broadcast was top notch. :bloated:

The Sabres really need to get an FM station for RJ. Listening to the game on crackle and pop AM, with itā€™s completely missing bass is horrible (but still better than the VS/NHL guys).

but on the last page, didnt somebody post up the coverage and dates? all i saw was Versus and some other station. no MSG at all?

and i would just watch it with the 550 AM station on the radioā€¦but thereā€™s always a delay and i canā€™t deal with that

those were all national stationsā€¦

well then :tup: big timeā€¦

Anybody gonna be meeting in large groups to watch from a certain bar? always more exciting to cheer on a team in large groupsā€¦

There wasnt a delay last year during the playoffs, one would assume that they would match it up this year as well

The delay depends on how youā€™re getting your video.

Adelphia/Time Warner HD is not in sync with their non-hd counterpart.

DirecTv/DishNetwork are always behind Adelphia/Time Warner, probably because the signal gets a couple extra bounces into space.

Not that it really matters. You miss so much listening to shitty 550am itā€™s not even worth it, not even for RJ. 550 AM basically loses all the on ice stuff, so you donā€™t hear the hits, the puck, the iceā€¦ just a crappy sounding voice that youā€™d swear came from a 50ā€™s broadcast.

AM radio is like going back to the stone age. Maybe Iā€™m just spoiled because of my home theater.

Couldnā€™t you just tivo the game to get any delay you want, then snyc it with the radio?

Yeah watching a game in HD also gets you better sound and it sucks not having it for regular broadcasts as well

not if its a negative delay. the radio is already ahead of the TV.

wonder if wgr streams online :chin:

no love for pittsburgh :confused: we beat ottowa 3 out of 4 regular season games.

Pitt, Buff, NJ, and ATL all advance first round, imo

wgr does stream online, but it is delayed by ~1min maybe more.

I wonder if comcast will be carrying any online, even though I shall not be missing any on TV

I tried syncing it up with the WGR online stream last year and it didnā€™t work for shit. You spend a bunch of time getting the DVR in sync with the online stream, then they online stream hiccups and youā€™re out of sync again.

Honestly, if WGR had their broadcast on a decent sounding FM station, Iā€™d slap together an FM DVR just to sync the radio with my TV. Itā€™s just not worth it for crappy sounding AM.