~*OFFICIAL Buffalo Sabres Thread*~

I still hope we humiliate them. :tup:

LOL…well of course

It’s always fun to laugh at Toronto fans.




It would be a problem if they played well in the first and second periods, only to shit the bed during the 3rd. But since they have always been able to tear it up in the 3rd period, I think we will be fine.

devils are 10-0 in last 10…best team in the NHL right now

now we need the fucking senators…the SUCKING senators to man up and beat the rangers on tuesday night…and then the devils to beat montreal and/or philly to beat the islanders for us NOT to play new jersey…

actually on second glance, the rangers can tie or lose as long as philly OR jersey wins to take the division…

i will never root for these teams again…EVER…

btw, :hay: to the leafs :violin:

im here at the game baby! Lots of leaf fans.

LEAFS SUCK! Go sabres


i was doing that pointing and laughing really loud at random canadians fans last week at the game :lol:


1-0 bishessssss


i smell another 10-1 victory like the kings game earlier this season :slight_smile:


that was AWESOME

wow…we are really dominating so far

Geesh I forgot it was on so early… lmao

Who has scored so far?

How are you posting? lol sweet though!


i didnt even realize we play today, thanks guys. man, i feel so distant from hockey down here

ughhhhhh i hate tucker…i hope peters lays him out


awesome goal!!!

4-000000000000000000000 wahooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!

<3 when sabres blowout the leafs. More goals! More goals!

That pass from Afinagenov and then the Gausted goal was amazing. Great awareness by Afinegenov as usual. :tup:

Oh… and Miller is GOD.