~*OFFICIAL Buffalo Sabres Thread*~

on fire

absolutely on fire

glad the sabres are back… this is going to be a fun season :tup:

my dad had asked if i wanted to go to this game, but i couldnt cus i had to work. i just got home and saw the tickets on my chair…100 level seats. im pissed

where in the 100’s were your tickets? CamZ28 and I were behind the winning goal…9 rows up I think.

Fun game…sabres are rolling :tup:

wheres that “sabres will suck this year” hater now



Go Sabres!! Tied for 3rd most wins in the league. I wish I didn’t fall asleep early in the 2nd and wake up after the OT goal… lol.

next home game - sunday, 7PM…

I need these games after the bills play, kinda helps wash the taste out of my mouth, knowwhutimsayin.

:word: but it seems that every weekend either the bills lose and sabres win or vice versa.

So im gonna say that i hope the bills lose :lol: cause if one team has to win, its the sabres :tup:

That game is in Minnesota.

:word: next home game is next weds vs…Dallas :crap:

hmm, thought the crawler said “home…”

w/e cool either way

ill be there

Another win tonight. Sabres are pretty much the hottest team in the NHL right now O_o

Grier had 2 great deflections that resulted in goals.

biron held it down, miller’s probably kicking himself right now.

we set a record tonght

like i said, Bills lost, sabres won :slight_smile:

it was another good game :tup:

I don’t think miller’s kicking himself, he got injured so theres not much he can do about that. I guess hes doing well in Roch though, I bet we see him soon. Either goalie is hot right now.

Just a heads up, the Sabres/Dallas game on 12/14 is not going to be televised.

Also on the no TV list:
1/7 Phoenix
3/1 Atlanta
3/22 Carolina

We have one remaining game on OLN, which is an Adelphia Gold Pack channel:
3/14 Washington
That one will probably be on HDNet though, so if you’ve got HD :tup:

cool thanks ^

Miller will play next weekend in one of the Pittsburgh games

the difference this year is our 3rd period. in years past, we couldnt pull it together. if we were down by 1 with like 5 or so minutes left in the game, i used to figure we were gonna lose, but this year if we are down i figure we are gonna tye it and win. :tup: to getting it done in the 3rd period.

fucking “cardiac kids”, now I see where that comes from :ohnoes:

great game. sabres get it done.

biron got the record for like most consecutive wins or something
hes won his past 10 starts :tup:
id say hes not playing great and he himself is not winning games for us, but he def keeps the sabres in the game

Yay… I’m gonna be going to the game this wednesday against dallas. Anyone else gonna go as well?