Andy Reid blew that game IMO.

just start now, start with the why your franchise has never won a super bowl

o shit Giants fans going after people this week since they cant lose on the bye week.



man you guys reall arent holding back huh? Hurry up, see how many jokes you can get in before your team crawls into its usual mousehole in December, then all the fans follow.

ey i must of missed this thread GUYZ

i actually didnt ant to type a dicussion so i went herrr and posted a video

have a listen guy, im as talkin sports BIG FUCKIN DEAL

Because Andy Reid and McNabb are in charge of the Eagles offense. Im an Eagles fan. Not a Reid/McNabb fan. I think Colb did a hell of a job when McNabb was out injured. McNabb isnt as consistant as a starting qb should be. Just watch…when Reid/McNabb arent in Philly anymore, the Eagles will win a SuperBowl.

I’m sorry… but ^ he’s right… him congratulating you and stating that you guys played well is the “classy” thing to do. :slight_smile: And since I’m a fellow cowboy’s fan… I’d also like to know how the hell you figure we’re the unclassiest sports fans? You sir, have OBVIOUSLY never been to an Eagles game… or Philadelphia in general.

And since I’m UNCLASSY anyway… since we’re NUMBER ONE in the NFC East over the Giants, Eagles and the Redskins… let me just bend over and mark off a spot on my @$$ for you to kiss. :number1

(((((haha, I hope you understand that my smartass comments are all in good, clean, competitive fun)))

As a lifelong cowboys fan…I cringe to see the calender switching to December

:lol yup!!

We’ll see how it goes…with playing the giants this week im hoping it wont be to much of a road block

Any game in the NFC East is a tough game but Dallas is clearly the better team in the division.

Honestly, you should hope they puke so Wade gets fired and you get a real coach.

Couldnt have said it better!

Wade wont return next year either way even if they somehow managed to win a superbowl. They payed Jason Garrett so much money that next year the job is his barring some type of miracle

Given Garrett’s performance over the last 2 years, I doubt that will happen. His stock puked.

Come on, Jerry Jones love wasting money hiring Assistent Coached. Its what he does, He already invested. He’ll try it and fire or demote if necessary and he will move on and be successful somewhere else. His stock may have dropped but he cant be worse the Wade Philips plus with him moving to head coach they would hire hopefully a better Offensive Coordiantor. He may be better as the HC insteat of AC/OC

Agreed but the stock market is filled with HC like Shannahan.

Yeah but a lot of quality coaches wont put up with Jerry Jones BS.

Good point.