**Official Grand Prix Toronto '07 thread** OMG now with sexy newman pictures!!!!


And, god, she looked WAYYYY better in person


Totally what i thought when i pulled these pictures from my camera…unfortunately, this is the best one of her.

she was cool to talk to as well…down to earth and not a bitch like the rest of the models that were there

she was hot as fuck in person, josh’s camera ruined it!

(shakes fist) damn you Josh!

She was hot but I didn’t wanna be the creepy guy to ask her to stand next to my car to take some pics.

She asked me for my number, but i am still waiting on the call. I think she wanted me to ask for hers, but i didn’t.


She asked me for my number, but i am still waiting on the call. I think she wanted me to ask for hers, but i didn’t.


haha…well we exchanged e-mails if you wanna send her some creepy pictures.

OT: i need my helmet back.

thats what she was ther for…her and the other mild to wild girl were umbrella girls foro ne of the series


she was hot as fuck in person, josh’s camera ruined it!


any better for ya? :smash2:

a model who doesn’t photograph well huh?

she’ll go far

She was better looking in person for sure…but I do think she was like the other girls in some ways…she kept having fits about people walking buy with “cheap cologne” and it was bothering her so much she could hardly breathe LOL. But still not slutty like the other girls there. so that’s cool.

she was a model? I just thought she was just one of those dudes MILD TO WILD girlfriends or friends. Did they pay her to be there?

well she was but she was also doing some modeling…I was talking to the one guy, Not H but the other guy and they were doign some modeling there too


a model who doesn’t photograph well huh?

she’ll go far


:lol: I can’t help it, Damn you Zwarbyt :lol:


all i thought of her was W.T. but, yeah she was cuter in person…and that’s coming from a girl hater. lol

Why are you a girl hater?

heh…she lives around the corner from me

in my dreams hahahaha

Better late than never, lol. I’m finally catching up on video work :tup:

Click HERE - Volume 2 Chapter 4 - Grand Prix Toronto 2007

Remember, if the HD version skips on your computer you can turn HD off with the toggle button on the right of the screen.

Back to work for me…

Nice vid.

Nice video, what editing program do you use?