DUI check points

Quit overly simplifying in an attempt to make a point. What Zack is saying is that if you are breaking the law, whether you know it or not, and you get caught while you are at a DUI checkpoint, then you 100% deserve to be cited for that problem.

If there was a safety checkpoint where the cops were pulling over every car in an attempt to make sure all the passengers in the vehicles had their seatbelts on and during this time, noticed that the driver of one particular car was drunk, then its bullshit for them to take that person off the road because they aren’t out there to get people under the influence, only people that aren’t wearing seatbelts?

Cops are out to enforce the law. They are not breaking the law by having DUI checkpoints so if you get caught in one and cited for anything that is actually wrong with your car or your personal well-being, then you deserve it. How could you not?

This is like people that drive for a living bitching about their owners having GPS on the vehicles now. They want to know why don’t the owners trust them, they aren’t doing anything wrong, they just want to work without being watched. Well, if you aren’t doing anything wrong and you are doing your job, then you don’t have anything to worry about. So, if you don’t want to get cited at a checkpoint, don’t break the law.

I don’t see what is so difficult about this.