Official LVD Drift Events Registration/Details

All he was saying is that at first their was a ton of support and now it just seems like this gets hated on a bit. Not necessarily by just you but by everyone.

Yes it’s $60 to drift in a shitty ass parking lot but it’s one step farther then we were last season. Like I’ve said before, we had to start somewhere. Myself, Wallace, Tungsten, and a few others rented Adirondack International Speedway on Sunday and we were very impressed with the track. AND…they are interested in holding an event, so hopefully we can continue talks with them. The only downside to that is the 2 and a half hour drive.

To those that have supported us from the beginning and still do, we appreciate it. Those of you that disagree with certain decisions we have made, you are entitled to your own opinions…and that’s fine. It’s just tough because we have put a lot of our own free time in to setting this event up so that we could have a place to drift that isn’t 3+ hours away. I invite everyone to come down, regardless if you can drift, if you don’t want to drift, or even if you just want to point and laugh, as long as people come I will be satisfied.