Official LVD Drift Events Registration/Details

quit saying aero like it sounds more acceptable than body kitz.

body kitz make me feel gay

aero is more acceptable and less gay sounding

Everyone still knows.

srs u def need to drift the next event

i just keep staring at the 15 year old Cooper Cobras in my garage and imagine them turned into smoke by my 134.6whp of 1.6L fury on June 19th :excited

all of you…stop talking and do it! if you don’t plan on drifting stop saying things like i wish or i can imagine or i would love to…but!

:+1 People talk a lot of shit on here. I mean I didn’t drift my car but I paid $60 to, just ran into a slight issue.


the next person that says shenanigans is gonna get pistol whipped

Hey Farva what’s the name of that place you like with all the goofy shit on the walls and the mozzarella sticks?

YOU FUCK… I was just going to pos tthat

haha very nice guys, very nice

i am doing it! is it too early to register? i’ll register tomorrow if it’s not too early :smiley:

oh, and… shenanagins.

you did pretty good for your first time @ fedex with my car last year.
asshole :slight_smile:

it is a bit to early to sign up yet. will see what happens when it is time to sign up though. let’s see how many of you are flakers and talk shit vs how many are real and do what they say they are gonna do.

so far benny and steve are the only one’s that have proven they don’t talk shit,they back it up.

Yeah, only the hardcore guys wreck their cars the day before and of the event.

truth, and we don’t give a SHIT!

I kinda give a shit :frowning: