Official LVD Drift Events Registration/Details

The only people who will be doing tandem would be those who want to go for points, but I somewhat agree with Ron…I just want to go practice and get a feel for the car when trying to initiate/sustain slides.

On the street I just ‘hang it out’ in places, so to speak…not going for a big angle, just letting her loose…I want to get a feel for REALLY making the car sustain slides.

:rofl Shut up with your technical drift babble hokus pokus.

I mean 1 it is not a whole day only like 6 hours.

I am just wondering how much time the people who have never drifted at all before are going to get?

This was originally set up for people to learn about drifting and see if they could do it. I would agree with a no open diff in the points competiton, but in the open single events I think thats really not the best idea. And how are they going to test for open diff in tech? (jack up the car and see if the wheels spin freely?) Time consuming to say the least

I am going to slap you in the mouth, I’m only saying it once.

We’re gonna have problems, etc.

ok to clear some things up…

1.) There is still going to be an open class, will we allow open diffs…probably, but I’m not guaranteeing anything. I wanted to throw it out there just in case.

2.) I understand that it started out as a small event for beginners but has now become an event with tandems and points etc…you have to look at the big picture. Howard is in the business to make money, end of story. If we brought down some people, dicked around for 5 hrs, and that was it, he most likely wouldn’t be interested in holding any more events. What everyone has to realize is the cars will be split up in to groups of those who are competing and those who aren’t. As far as track time is concerned, everyone will get their fair share. I am not convinced we will get as many people from this area as we will other areas. People are starting to come up with different excuses for not drifting in the event such as “my car won’t be done” or “there is sand in my vagina” etc. SO…if we get 20-30 cars pre-registered for our area then we will make damn sure there will be track time.

Like I said before, we started this whole thing as a way to gain access to a drifting location. But now we have some real opportunity to bring the drift scene to our area. I mean look at Englishtown Raceway, it started the same way.

I really hope we do get some people from our area to attend, in fact that was our hope from the beginning. We haven’t forgot the original goal, so don’t worry.

I appreciate the input!

Intimidating E-thug PM sent.

Ok I am more on page with you now. I haz sand in my vagina about actual drifting in my car(or trying to anyway), but I will be at every event helping out as needed. I knew there were a few people coming for Mass. and Conn. but i thought that was only two or three and I thought there were alot more noobs going from around here.

Yes Open diff is less controlable, ask me how I know, this bitch has scared me more than once… but on an open track, when just trying to get a feel for the car i think its stupid…

In points yes I would think with being close to other “competetors” open diff is very unsafe

I may not make it to the first or second event…

Depends on if I can get tires or not, moneh is tight right now, and im still iffy about my car breaking after all the work I put into it haha

that and I need some new bushings pronto…

but im going to do my best to make it to these and participate

I should be able to make it to all 4 events. I think one extra pair of tires should be good per event.

I can haz few laps in 240?

You might want more than one extra pair…4 will probably do

I have no idea how long were gonna be driftorz. I’ll probably roll in on my good wheels and then switch out the rears for my drift setz.

Yeah same here.

I will have about 4 different sets, it depends on how the parking lot is

I might bring 2 pairs of wheels than…

4 tires will be more then enough. like we’ve all said before we are not great at it. not many people are gonna go out and rip a straight drift around the track while at 60mph. i know i won’t. 4 tires will be fine we are all learning and that’s all that matters.

just don’t spin out and peg leg your shit! unless it’s your last run!


That’s how I killed my all seasons prematurely, got really frustrated when I spun like 4 times in a row so I just let em cook up quick in 2nd.

Whoops :rofl

I say open diffs are fine. But w.e

so how many of you are going to really go?