*****Official: Mighty Meet Thread*****


oh shut the fuck up! i wasnt even there last night and still know you’re a fucking asshole! obviously the amherst police pulled you over for a reason (which you say was for no front plate). more than likely, had you been doing nothing wrong, they would have not even noticed you not having a front plate and thus not pulled you over. you obviously did something else to attract their attention and to make yourself stand out. the front plate ticket/warning was just a solid “technical” reason to pull you over.

Mighty is a privilege, not a right. The people that own and conduct business out of that plaza are very kind to let us hang out up there and come and go as we please, most of the time not even being paying customers. All it takes is 1 phone call to the Tonawanda Police for them to say we can’t meet there anymore. 99% of the time we go up there, have a good time, and nothing happens. every once and a while, someone has to be a jackass and then it makes us look bad and attracts the wrong kind of attention towards us, and we dont want that. so if you want to act like a douche bag and mess around, go do it somewhere else!

and i might show up tonight, i havent even been out once this year…


hm i dont think anyone asked for your dumbass opinion. i didnt do shit wrong. like i said i had no front plate dick. i dont think its me that attracts the attention. its the hundreds of cars that show up there in one week. maybe they were trying to make an example out of me by waiting til i got into mighty…i dont know but i didnt get any tickets and the cop seemed a little disappointed when he saw i was in the military. i wasnt driving like an asshole and i dont think anyone else should comment on what happened just because nitroinsane tried to belittle me and it didnt work. now hopefully we can end this and u along with all the other crybabies on here can stop causing drama and being immature about this matter.