*****Official: Mighty Meet Thread*****

well, at least we all know who the village weasal is these days…:tdown:. do you still tell mommy and daddy what the bullies say about you? street element bash sessions? i think the more mature manner would be to let it go, stop anticipating being the “tough guy”. im not going to go much further, because i recieved a warning in another thread for “bringing up bullshit”, but hey, this is a mighty meet thread, so its already filled with bullshit.

i am the bag of shit if thats who your talking about. my name is Rob and i own the red toyota. i posted the video on myspace because i found it and thought it was funny. i called my “street element” bag friends or w/e out on that. i agree that it wouldnt be fair for Everyone to suffer any consequences for other peoples’ stupid actions. i think the car club “bashing” has got to stop though. so what? we all like to go to car shows together and hang out and have a name. we do the same things you guys do, hang out, talk about cars, eat mighty, etc. but still some of us got a little carried away last summer. i say this shit gets left behind us and maybe this year everyone can get along in a mature manner?