*****Official: Mighty Meet Thread*****

what are you, 15?

jesus… why is picking up after yourself such a hard concept to grasp?


what are you, 15?

jesus… why is picking up after yourself such a hard concept to grasp?


actually im 16 and mommy and daddy clean up for me
i just hope they make my car payment and celly bill on time

lmao jeff

I’d almost fight someone that through garbage on the ground right in front of me. You’d have to have an extreme lack of conscious (sp) to be able to throw garbage on the ground and not care.

…cause I’m a tough guy like that. :shoot: :ohnoes:

But, seriously I’d like to just show these ass holes how shitty it looks after a few people have the same lack of respect and the garbage piles up. But, people are ignorant and naive and will never learn.


Id almost fight someone that through garbage on the ground right in front of me.

…cause I’m a tough guy like that.


iam tottally going to throw garbadge around u in hopes that u will man handle me

Oh dear lord…

…but, ok BUT Im the pitcher ALWAYS.

had to be the girl giving us the finger. Who then proceeded to make two illegal turns right in front of us.


had to be the girl giving us the finger. Who then proceeded to make two illegal turns right in front of us.


i mighta ran your buddy…:smiley:

lol you realize people have been meeting at mighty since before any of you knew about NYSpeed or UBRF…Stop thinking you “own the lot” :lol:


i mighta ran your buddy…:smiley:


Thats the rumor around town. How’d it go? That car ain’t too slow from what I know.


soooo tommorrow night after the rain… again?


I’m in someone just give me a ring i’ll bring my video camera.


lol you realize people have been meeting at mighty since before any of you knew about NYSpeed or UBRF…Stop thinking you “own the lot” :lol:


the amount of wasted money i have in food there i own a parking spot

im gonna swing up after work i suspect… hopefully u wont be kicked out by then

jeff (BSP_TC) and i are going to hostel 2 @ 11:40 so doubt ill come by after

ill stop up. pat you better stop up homo.


Anybody showing up tonight, Sat. 9th.? Might be around about 10-11 to try to get some runs in.

heading up in a few


bump for a super nice day