*****Official: Mighty Meet Thread*****

I’ll stop by tonight.

i am gonna roll up in a bit make some stops on zee way

i may be heading up there tonight in the daily. prolly around 8-9:30ish post up bitches!!

count me in for it a bit after 10 i’d say…mr2 joe should be there too, but not in the mr2… :snky:

^^ good, i need to talk to someone who knows z- cars :cool:

drove by round 9:30 no ones was there :frowning:

drove by and a bunch of old cars were leaving so I went cruisin with them. We did a few pulls but I couldn’t really get on it to much cause I’m not running right yet.

6/11 - 8:30

i possibly will be rolling up with some cobras

possibly… Brian call me if your looking to set something up

sounds good man ill let ya know

tonight was interesting lol i love when we make a scene. anyone in for tomorrow 930 10ish

i would stay away from there for a couple days

I was thinking of dropping by again tuesday around 10pm if I dont go to lancaster.
:tdown: to stupid retards :tup: to a good time.

Jessie, how was the ice cream? :lol:

y we didnt do anything illegal dos so stfu

Well I stopped by just to get some mighty…all I gotta say “You just ruined my ice cream!” was by far the best fucking line I’ve heard in a while. Definately hilarious.

Is this another Muscle50 story in the making???


lol…i’ll have to ask him about this

we’ll all just meet up there again tonight at like 10 :tup: