*****Official: Mighty Meet Thread*****

I’ll be there Wed.

looks to be a good turnout for wednesday :tup:. it will be good to see everyone again


im going to attempt to put my fuel pump in and maybe if I’m daring hook an electric fan up, so I can at least drive the mustang in NA form. that said, I may be there!

pat’s working at delevan.

and jim, i also want a ride in your whip mang :slight_smile:

ill represent pat in his car while he’s working :slight_smile:

If anyone is still up there around 11:30 me and JDMjunkie will be up after work

so the weather channel is calling for high 20’s to low 30’s that night…

i’m out…

Eww, thats no fun, shoulda been out last night

last night was thee best night yet for anything. my temp was reading 57 at a highest. shorts weather son! haha

you got it… yeah steal pats car :D, i want to see how i do against a Heads cam LS1

i was gonna say today is pretty nice…buuuuuuut i just checked the weather for tonight and 28 and rain is no good…fuck this cold shit if anyone heads up wed. night im gonna bring my space heater and plug it in at the mighty sign…

damn, its getting to be blue sky out here, i figured maybe we would luck out tonight

they call for rain/snow showers 2nite

I heard 30’s and clear

yeah they changed it a couple times over the past few hours

Weather guys dont know what they are talking about. I dont watch the weather anymore…sick of false forcasting.

channel 4 weather line just said its not gonna rain, maybe northern PA/ Southen tier might get rain, but not us… winds are also supposed to die down… if im up that way tonight maybe i will swing by, but im not expecting much if the wind doesnt stop

oh boy, just fired it up! it lives again wooot… finishing the tune tomorrow hopefully no pipes blow off!

ill be up tomorrow @ 9ish

good god they are only ls6 heads. wait til the milled afr’s go on it.

more than i have :smiley:

no foolin?