*****Official: Mighty Meet Thread*****

Siqqqqqqq, burn dude, bro. :fuzzyfish:

hahahhaha… oh devin

So who’s worse? This new kid or the kid with the riced out “fast” neon? Not that I should be giving shit to people who have faster cars than me but just out of curiosity who likes this kid more?

who cares, im not an asshole like 60 percent of the ppl on here

Just an idiot. :clap:

look at ur profile picture, and look at mine, thank you.

a NA 300zx :clap: I’m impressed

a retard throwin the shocker symbol with spiked hair and shades on.

Im not impressed

Not me. its this dude


Maybe I should go out and buy a 300zx like you and be fucking BALLER!


ok? thanks man


anyone else who can’t read is next…

hey hey lets keep it about mighty here…no one cares about spiked hair and the shocker or slow N/A 300Z’s…we can settle it at mighty one night and have dog fights or cockfights or somethin…

fuckin’ A jay lol

tonight looks like a good night for mighty… should stay pretty warm

i agree…lets have more than 5 people show up, even tho i love watching ugososlow fuck with kevin and dump his water all over him when he gets lippy lol its nice to have a bunch of doods or broads up there to crooze with when standing gets old…

EDIT: there are never any broads up there, what the shit am i smoking? lol

What time are people showing up there tonight?

i would say prob anywhere between 9-10ish…im at twerk til 9 anyways, and im undecided if im gonna bother to change or not…ill be there by 9:30ish

anyone think that they’ll still be up around midnight?

smaybe…depends on how cold it gets…im gonna go home to change so ill be nice n warm…if theres a nice turnout we’ll prob be there past 12