*****Official: Mighty Meet Thread*****

alright pending the weather i may be able to come get you if im out of work on time…

Sweet. Txt my cell and let me know whats up…5854093365

:tup: will do sir

why is the neon at jer’s shop? Is he home again?

C-roy you bored at work too nikkua?

hahaha yep…sitting at my desk listening to retard jim talk about stupid shit

:rofl: diaff seriously!!!

i feel like yelling “WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!” lol hahahahha dolce dildo


you talk to Dolce anymore?

yea talked to him the other day on the fone…still crazier than bat shit…dood when are you coming back home? you gotta come up this summer

i might stop by late after i get outa the lib. pat, go!


He’s painting the grey strips in the bumpers, like its supposed to have.


CLOSING DEALS SON!!! s.kipp has t-rex arms…sonata, elantras, tiburdans lol hahhahaha

Cory when do u get off work?

cory way to to stop in and say hi at bubble tea the other night u putz

lol i was there at like 9:15ish…when did you leave?! and why didnt you wait til i got there jerk

justin i SHOULD be out by 9ish…im out in OP whats the quickest way to your house?

I’ll PM you.

i was there from like 830-1030 with sal. we were all inside chillin.