*****Official: Mighty Meet Thread*****

anybody wanna go tonight

i’m in for going up there now :slight_smile:

we need a translation on what it says on that kids door lolol

and i wanna come out tonight, somebody come get me damit

What are you talking about? do you even know?

very true :tup:

It’s drying up, anyone coming out?

that is a big negative

so its 345am we just got back from the cruise we left for at 1230 slo84tas truck went boom again.(in niagara falls) choko went to take a poop and is styill mia.all and all good times. iam just glad i drove my car instead of riding with jim

im alive… i pooped in casino and played some :smiley:

I will post some pics in a Minute, Me(01AudiS4), (Kevin716), and Jim (slow84ta) got back around 5:30am. Fun night, started with some girl getting hit on eggert, some kid trying donuts in Ying’s parking lot and getting caught by Tonawanda PD. Chilled for a bit with the normal everyday assclowning, like caviler’s on spinners yo. Followed by a long cruise with (slowpoke)(Choko)(nitroinsane)(slow84ta)and all of us had a passenger, going to the falls that ended up lasting about 5hrs. By the end we had a totally different line up, including the AAA guy. Good Times.

lol I was very close to coming to mighty last night around 12 lol, I would have been there with yas :slight_smile:

OK, First pic is aight, and here are the crappy cell phone pics after that…











:tup: was a awesome night, also Choko>slow84ta from dig :snky:

sounds like it was a fun night! :slight_smile: but yo, dont f**k with cavaliers with spinners!!! i been thinkin about gettin some…they’d go perfect with my lift kit =P jk planning on comin’ out tonight if anyone else is…

I will be, and so will (RedConquestTSi).

What happened to Jims truck?

ill roll by after canal fest…

Wheel Bearing, but he has much worse problems now. Much worse.

thats no good at all

Why ask anymore. . .

anyone going?