*****Official: Mighty Meet Thread*****

I’ll be there in a little bit.

i must apologize for the words that left my mouth tonight lol i will return to not saying much of anything until i have regrasped the concept of humor lol

goes to cry alone in corner

Joe was just messing with you, don’t take it to heart.

oh i know…it was still bad lol no worries tho


imgoing up i know audi justin is and red conquest justin said hed prolly be there

schweet ill be there in a few

i wish i knew all u guys better i feel so wierd goin by myself

You have 207 post, I think you’ve talked to some of those people by now.

ehh its different than meeting people in person

I’ll be your friend!

just go and walk up to people and introduce yourself. i remember i showed up to my first meet and peop-le ahd no clue who the hell i was but by the time it was over i knew a lot of people on a first name basis. its really not a big deal, i cant think of any1 from here that was ever rude or inconsiderate to me the first time i intorduced myself.


ill say that trans am is fawking hot…

iam a ball buster dont ever take me offensive i never hate anyone unless they give me a reason to hate them lol

so ive been told. but seriously…i deserved it that night lol now to get my car dropped so i can get rid of the monster truck comments =/

Hopefully if Jim shows up tonight someone will bring him a chair. LOL

im mad bored, any one gonna be out tonight?

