*****Official: Mighty Meet Thread*****

i will try to make it out to both…

Sweet Home Foot Races for life :tup:


Im working on my ride right now…I won’t be done for shred and regan, but I should be finished to drive it up to mighty tonight! see ya laters…:hay:

i wish…mighty is lame but everytime i CANT go, i get sad…and racerx told me the bad news that i wont have my car for a few days…aand now i want to go to mighty tonight :frowning:

What kind of news did RacerX give you about your car? What was wrong with it?

i should be stoppin by later after snr

awesome ill wear my running sneakers!! :lol: i want to come out to mighty… whens everyone go?

isnt racerX the company that wants to sponsor EVERYONE!??!

I’ll be up, Most pepole start to show between 10-10:30ish, but we are usually there late, sometimes real late.

steering knuckle…but i guess its good he found it before i was doing leet races at 160mph and found out it broke and i cant steer at all

no hes a member on the board

wow ya that could be bad VERY BAD :tdown:, we have to run again once ya get it back, should be faster w/o that wing:(

ooo okay.

i thought u weres sponsored by that crappyass “import tuning” “company” that promises “10 htousand dollars” to “make your car better” and “sponsor” you if you go to a certain amount of shows throughout the US or whatever…
…im glad you didnt make that poor choice.

i waited for you slopoke but, i didnt c ya up there?

i headed up… didnt look like much was going onl… i ate and left… maybe next week… if i still have my bike lol

r u the one who road a wheelie down sheridan

lol yea… that was me…

i rolled up at 230… nobody was there

I slithered in there @ 8:30. not a sole Not even a person or a car. I know all were scared, but I tell u guys…its not too fast for ya. (honest)

Joking=to have fun.

8:30 is too early.

nobody shows up until around 9:30-10 usually