*****Official: Mighty Meet Thread*****

so if u had a project u had that involved parts being 10months late, and just needed two fittings u were capping off welded on to complete the car, however you had to wait 3 days to have them aluminum tigged, you wouldnt try something that in theory is SUPPOSED to work in that instance? something that if it didnt work, no big deal, grind the weld off and just wait it out, you still would wait. if you’d say u wouldnt try a different route i’d call MAJOR BULLSHIT

Thats as retarded as throwing boost on a stock block and blowing it up

Id definatly wait. if I were to put that much time and money into a project. And all that was keeping me from finishing was to get two fittings welded. than i would say fuck it, wait and be done with it knowing the job was finished and not having to worry about it.

Learn from mitsubishi, halfassing shit is only gonna cause you more problems down the road.

Fix it now, dont drive it around till something breaks

WOW… is this the Mighty Meet thread, or the TurboLS1’s car Drama Club thread?

both :stuck_out_tongue: its NY=UBRF in teh drama, hows the audi comin?

mmmm chicky fajitas

Damnit, I’ve got Hansen stuck in my head…

Mmmmmm BOP

ughhghghghhhhghghh. i just deleted this shit cuz u arguing with me about how shitty my car and tendencies are when my car is quickly approaching the left side of the chart is just pointless in a meet thread. im stepping away from this one.

So I take it the turbo Fbody finally made it home?

I got a late night case of the munchies last night an had to hit up the mighty. I shoulda stayed around for a while and introduced myself. I seen a a few of you there. Ill definately come up this time and stay for a while.

anyone going up tonight?

its p-ouring rain and blowing hard. prolly not, unless it clears up by tonight

Ill troll on by later tongiht, bored as fuck and the power is in and out.

k, sosince many people arnt going to no frills due to teh rain, is anyone gonna go up to mighty tonight? Me cal shannon and articzap will be arriving sometime later

I’ll head up tonight

was there with my 951 for like 15 min

Dark Gray with light gray stripes?

:tup: i noticed how clean it was, hot car man. Why didnt you stop and chat?

Yup that was me. I didnt really know anyone, and im not to type to just go up and start a conversation with people but I will stop up another time to chat hang out etc.

i started off the same way but jsut walk into a convo and intro urself, it actually works lol

I’ve seen you up there a number of times! I didn’t know if you were “one of us” or just a random guy in a 951. You might remember the Conquest, as I pulled in one night with the quickness and parked sort of close to you…

Stop being shy and introduce yourself! I <3 944’s…


Yeah I remember that night the conquest sounded good, I had to leave when you got there since I had to drop the gf off and one of my friends from work.

i guess people r showing tonight? im headed there in a few min myself

be up in a little